SignalR .NET Core: Realtime cross-platform open web communication 6/4/2018 4:17 AM B8078 SignalR .NET Core: Realtime cross-platform open web communication Damian Edwards Principal PM Manager @damianedwards David Fowler Principal Architect @davidfowl © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
A quick SignalR recap Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET 6/4/2018 4:17 AM A quick SignalR recap Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET Hubs API for server-based push to web clients Clients for JavaScript, C#, C++ & Java Connects via WebSockets, ServerSentEvents, ForeverFrame & LongPolling Supports System.Web & self-hosting via Katana Integrate into ASP.NET apps running in IIS along with Web Forms, MVC, etc. Integrate into stand-along .NET apps via Katana self-hosting on HttpListener, etc. Turn-key support for scale-out Global scale-out model built in to the product Support for Redis, Azure Service Bus & SQL Server as scale-out mechanisms Servicing release 2.2.2 this month Incudes fixes for high impact customer issues across server, clients & scale-out © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
SignalR Hubs // Server public class ChatHub : Hub { public void Send(string msg) { Clients.All.addMessage(msg); } // Client var chat = $.connection.chatHub; chat.addMessage = function (msg) { $("#msgs") .append($("li").text(msg)); }; $.connection.hub.start();
Porting SignalR in ASP.NET Core 6/4/2018 4:17 AM Porting SignalR in ASP.NET Core Rewriting on top of new primitives New HttpContext, middleware pipeline, Dependency Injection system, logging, etc. Running on .NET Core via .NET Standard Revisiting design choices that caused issues Some aspects of SignalR were very difficult to build in a reliable manner, caused customers issues We’re making some changes that include the removal of some less used and/or problematic features Laying foundations for features beyond HTTP ASP.NET Core has aspirations beyond HTTP Micro-services often communicate via non-HTTP protocols .NET Core portability leads to the desire to run new workloads and protocols, e.g. AMQP, MQTT, TCP © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Removing dependency on jQuery jQuery was a fairly safe assumption 5 years ago Not so much anymore, as many apps move to more fully featured JS frameworks & customers generally just want less dependencies Highly requested customer feature We were never able to invest the time required to remove jQuery while maintaining existing feature-set in 2.x and customers were quite displeased about that (https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/issues/372) Allows the client to run in Web Workers & Node.js jQuery brought a reliance on the DOM that didn’t work in Web Workers or non-browser environments
No more single connection for all hubs All hub traffic went over a single connection by default Clients would connect to the “default” SignalR endpoint on the server and every message had to include full details of the hub it was intended for Complicated the connection negotiation phase Meta-data had to be exchanged between client & server during negotiation to ensure only hubs the client was interested in and authorized for would be wired up Made non-default URL setup trickier Many customers wanted to use a custom URL for hubs traffic which was a bit trickier than it needed to be as so much was geared towards the “default” behavior All hubs now mapped via routing, e.g. app.UseSignalR(routes => routes.MapHub<Chat>("/chat"));
All-new hub protocol https://github.com/aspnet/SignalR/blob/dev/specs/HubProtocol.md JSON & ProtoBuf implementations
All-new scale-out design SignalR scale-out relied on a global monotonic cursor Worked well for simple message patterns but restricted the ability to scale-out well for others Scale-out design impacted overall design The main scale-out logic was built-in to the core SignalR product and was massively complicated with very hard to investigate bugs New design is flexible & less-opinionated A new abstraction under hubs allows for easy customization of all hub messaging behavior, including scale-out: HubLifetimeManager<THub> Will ship with Redis & Service Bus, SQL TBD New design allows for multiple patterns per scale-out provider, e.g. Redis connection per SignalR connection with subscriptions per signal, or Redis connection per server with subscription modification
Presence support Track presence of users in application Microsoft Build 2017 6/4/2018 4:17 AM Presence support Track presence of users in application Multi-connection per user tracking Track users across server farm Still in progress! © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
New client libraries TypeScript/JavaScript C# (.NET Standard) C++ Java Swift
Demo New scale-out, presence tracking & Swift client 6/4/2018 4:17 AM © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Things changing
No reconnection with message replay SignalR attempted to keep logical connections open This reconnect logic lead to very complex logic in both the client and server that differed in hard-to-maintain ways across the various transports Server had to maintain messages between reconnects This required the passing of a cursor between client and server and lead to large storage defaults to maintain the illusion of an always connected client that resulted in large memory use for many customers Customers had to write reconnect code anyway If SignalR couldn’t reconnect after a few tries it would end the connection permanently, resulting in most apps having to handle this situation and start a new connection anyway Long-polling will still do this as a transport concern Old SignalR was designed around long-polling, now we’re keeping its concerns within it
No more hub state Way to share common data between client/server Was envisaged as a way to easily keep small, simple values in sync between client & server Very rarely used and tricky to implement Not many apps had a real use for hub state and it required careful tracking of values between client & server to ensure accuracy and efficiency
No more server ping-pong Old SignalR allowed connections to change servers Between reconnects or long-polls, as all messages flowed through a global bus sharing a global cursor. The logic to handle this was complicated and error prone. Point-to-point connection requires sticky sessions New SignalR tracks client state on the server its connected to so connections must stay on the same server WebSockets is inherently point-to-point so just works
ASP.NET Core Sockets
ASP.NET Core Sockets Architecture ASP.NET Core SignalR on Sockets Hubs Hubs Endpoints HubEndpoint Formatters HTTP Transports TcpTransport Transports WebSockets ServerSentEvents Host Long Polling Middleware TcpServer WebHost
Endpoints API Generic API for programming server-based endpoints Replaces the PersistentConnection API and serves as a base for any connection endpoint logic Abstracts away transports You deal with connections that send and receive messages, transports are details of host binding Completely host-agnostic Endpoints are bound and managed by a host, e.g. ASP.NET Core HTTP pipeline. The same endpoint can be hosted multiple times in a single application for different server types, e.g. HTTP and TCP/IP Connection-aware formatters for reading/writing types A single endpoint can handle connections speaking different formats by reading and writing messages via formatters, e.g. JSON, ProtoBuf
Sample endpoint public class MyEndpoint : Endpoint { private readonly FormatterResolver _formatters; private readonly ILogger _logger; public MyEndpoint(FormatterResolver formatters, ILogger<MyEndpoint> logger) { _formatters = formatters; _logger = logger; } public override async Task OnConnected(Connection connection) { var formatter = _formatters.Get(connection); var handshake = await formatter.ReadAsync<HandshakeMessage>(); if (handshake == null) { _logger.LogError("Bad handshake attempt from {ConnectionId}", connection.Id); throw new InvalidOperationException("Bad handshake"); await formatter.SendAsync(handshake.GetReplyMessage()); MyMessage message; while ((message = await formatter.ReadAsync<MyMessage>()) != null) { _logger.LogInformation("Message received from {ConnectionId}", connection.Id);
Binary data support Send and receive binary data Endpoints support both text and binary message types, with adaptation for transports with no native binary support Hub connections can speak in binary protocols SignalR will ship with support for ProtoBuf out of the box (along with JSON) Accept byte[] in hub methods on server and client Accept Stream in hub methods on server
Support for “pure” WebSockets clients WebSockets are the model client for new SignalR We’ve simplified the overall design assuming the “model” client is using WebSockets. All other transports handle their special requirements themselves rather than the system catering to their needs. WebSockets clients need little/no logic to connect We strived to allow WebSockets clients to connect directly to endpoints with little to no logic required, including no negotiation, start or connect requests Hubs only requires a simple dispatching library WebSockets clients can connect to hub endpoints with the addition of a simple hubs client library that handles dispatching and messaging via the hub protocol, either with JSON or ProtoBuff
Microsoft Build 2017 6/4/2018 4:17 AM SocialWeather https://blog.3d-logic.com/2017/01/15/signalr-core-part-23-asp-net-sockets/ © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
ImgCaster Microsoft Build 2017 6/4/2018 4:17 AM © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Roadmap Work is in progress right now 6/4/2018 4:17 AM Roadmap Work is in progress right now SignalR team is busy getting main scenarios up and running again on the new design Targeting preview around Q3, release Q4 Fully functional preview to be available with release of ASP.NET Core 2.0 TypeScript/JS & C# clients at preview, C++ & Java clients at release (tentative) Follow along, it’s open-source Code at https://github.com/aspnet/signalr Nightly packages on “dev” feed at https://dotnet.myget.org/F/aspnetcore-dev/api/v3/index.json © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.