Gretchen Stahlman, PhD Candidate, University of Arizona ASTROLABE Navigating Astronomical “Dark Data” through Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Gretchen Stahlman, PhD Candidate, University of Arizona DPS 48 / EPSC 11 October 18, 2016
The “Astrolabe” Project Astrolabe is a new data repository and computational environment being created at University of Arizona (UA). Partners include: UA School of Information UA Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory UA University Libraries CyVerse (formerly the iPlant Collaborative) American Astronomical Society Astrolabe is currently funded by: UA Office for Research & Discovery National Science Foundation
The “Astrolabe” Project Astrolabe has a mission to: Collect, preserve, disseminate Provide tools for analysis and data sharing Expose research data Discovery Environment Atmosphere Data Store Use hundreds of Apps and manage data in a simple web interface Atmosphere Custom cloud-based scientific analysis platform or use a ready-made one for your area of scientific interest Data Store Store, manage, access, and share all the data related to research
Current Status of Astrolabe Searching for potentially “dark data” by mining the literature, and by contacting authors individually based on our team’s review of particular types of publications Hiring software developer to accomplish objectives specified in recently-awarded NSF grant (award #1642446) Working on IMLS proposal to create protocols for migrating data from obsolete media into Astrolabe Will be at AAS 229 in Grapevine Eventual citizen science to assist with populating metadata
Data sources: author contribution Will Grundy (Lowell Observatory) - Image of Solar System objects Deidre Hunter (Lowell Observatory) - Image of dwarf galaxies Kevin Wagner (U of Arizona) - Images of exoplanetary systems Feryal Ozel (U of Arizona) – Event Horizon Telescope for Outreach David Crown (PSI) - Stereo-pairs of DEM+Images of the Moon
Data sources: NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey Data 200 Gb image data covering 3 ˚ x3 ˚ in the northern hemisphere and 2.3˚ x 4 ˚ around the southern hemisphere,
Talk to us! Principal Investigators Affiliates Postdoctoral Researcher Bryan Heidorn, PhD, UA School of Information Dennis Zaritsky, PhD, UA Department of Astronomy Affiliates Julie Steffen, AAS Director of Publishing* Doug Roberts, PhD, AAS/WorldWide Telescope Project Director* Postdoctoral Researcher Huanian Zhang, PhD, UA Department of Astronomy* Graduate Research Associate Gretchen Stahlman, UA School of Information* Webmaster Kyle Morris, UA School of Information * Here at Caltech
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