Miss Conner, Miss Copping & Mrs Stimpson Years Six – Spring Term Science Academy Miss Conner, Miss Copping & Mrs Stimpson Maths Number & Place Value Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Ratio & Proportion Properties of Shape Position & Direction Measurement Fractions Algebra Statistics Literacy Guided Reading Spelling Grammar, Vocabulary & Punctuation Non-Chronological Reports Explanation Texts Journalistic Narrative Persuasive writing Balanced Arguments Science Life cycles Life process Classification of micro-organisms, plants & animals The impact of diet, exercise, drugs on humans The transportation of nutrients The circulatory system Core Learning Skills Spring Term 1: Improving My Own Learning & Performance Spring Term 2: Knowing Me, Knowing You PSHE Healthy & Safer Lifestyles Religious Education Spring Term 1: Beliefs and actions: Can Christian Aid and Islamic Relief change the world? Spring Term 2: Stories of Faith: What can we learn from stories shared by Christians, Jews and Muslims? Physical Education Spring Term 1 6MC - Tae-Kwon-Do & Gymnastics 6AC – Invasion Games & Gymnastics Spring Term 2 6MC - Invasion Games & Gymnastics 6AC – Tae-Kwon-Do & Gymnastics Year 6 Homework Now, instead of learning logs, children will be set weekly Spelling, Literacy and Reading homework. They are will also receive weekly Maths homework as well as being expected to complete any set bars on Mathletics. Your child should be reading at home daily, and should record comments into their reading record at least 3 times per week. SATs Monday 9th May – Thursday 12th May 2016 Please make sure that your child will be in school for the entire day on each of these dates. Further information regarding the SATs will be provided before the Easter Break. In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher.