HE White Paper (England): SPA overview and action on unconscious bias


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Presentation transcript:

HE White Paper (England): SPA overview and action on unconscious bias ARC-APG, 10 June 2016 Dan Shaffer, Head of Professionalism in Admissions

What is SPA? Set up in 2006 following the Schwartz Report Fair Admissions to Higher Education: Recommendations for Good Practice 2004 ‘The Group recommends the creation of a central source of expertise and advice on admissions issues. Its purpose would be to act as a resource for institutions who wish to maintain and enhance excellence in admissions. Such a centre could lead the continuing development of fair admissions, evaluating and commissioning research, and spreading best practice.’ [background information about SPA for presenters wishing to explain a little more about the source of this presentation] SPA was formed in 2006 following a government-commissioned review of fair admissions to higher education. One key recommendation from that review sums up SPA’s aims to: ‘Be a central source of expertise and advise on admissions issues’ – SPA is staffed by practitioners with experience of the HE sector, who offer evidence-based advice ‘act as a resource for institutions’ – first and foremost, SPA is there to support HE providers in their efforts to improve professionalism and ensure admissions is fair ‘lead the continuing development of fair admissions’ – SPA works with the HE sector to identify new and upcoming issues, and then researches them so that informed advice is available to HE providers to help them maintain fair admissions ‘spreading best practice’ – there are many examples of good practice already out there, so SPA creates an environment to facilitate the sharing of practice and to save admissions staff having to reinvent the wheel. If you want to know more about SPA, or look at their other resources, it’s all freely available on their website at www.spa.ac.uk.

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Unconscious bias Unconscious bias refers to a bias that we are unaware of, and which happens outside of our control. It is a bias that happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations, influenced by our background, cultural environment and personal experiences. But… in student recruitment unconscious bias can lead to unfairly discriminating against individuals. SPA has applied a definition of unconscious bias used by the Equality Challenge Unit. This states <click> Unconscious bias refers to a bias that we are unaware of, and which happens outside of our control. It is a bias that happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations, influenced by our background, cultural environment and personal experiences. As we’ve seen, these automatic responses are often helpful. But, in student recruitment, unconscious bias can lead to unfairly discriminating against individuals. Obviously, we don’t want to do that, so the question is ‘how much are we influenced by our unconscious without even realizing it?

Unconscious bias Basically, our pre-conceived notions are built up over time by a complex network of instinctual, cultural and social influences. The more likeable, trustworthy, influential or familiar a source, the more likely we are to accept it without further scrutiny. We have a shared understanding … or expectation … without the need for lengthy description. In today’s fast-paced, bite-sized communications, such preconceptions may be more influential than ever. They can influence decisions made by all involved in HE admissions, including applicants. How do you think you’d cope without reference to any unconscious bias triggers?

Unconscious bias SPA already has Summary information sheet Recommendations Bias risks table Template action plan Template workshop presentation Introduction video SPA is planning Toolkit module Case studies Two staff development events Advisory group? Admissions briefing for non- admissions trainers? Certification?