Presentation Practices All presentations limited to 1 Hour 45 minutes total 15 minute buffer between presentations used for teardown/setup. Be prepared to move your project team, prototype demo, test equipment and presentation file into W230 quickly upon completion of the previous team Presentation system will consist of PC and projector with CD drive running Windows2000 with MSOffice tools, laser pointer and remote paging control Lab table with one station equipment set will be available at left side of projection screen. You must make arrangements if additional equipment is needed for your demo Presentation team will sit to right side of screen. Assume faculty audience does NOT know each presenter by name During presentations, faculty evaluators will be present making individual as well overall team assessments
EMS W220 Presentation Setup Projector Screen Speaker Team Seating Chairs Proto Demo Tables Projector Table PC Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table
Presentation Evaluation Faculty Evaluation Criteria for Oral Presentations Presentation Evaluation 1. Identification and formulation of the problem 2. Level of analysis of the problem and the solution(s) 3. Application of knowledge of math and science 4. Application of engineering knowledge 5. Use of tools and techniques appropriate for modern engineering analysis 6. Consideration of economic aspects 7. Consideration of societal aspects (e.g. accessibility, cultural, gender issues) 8. Consideration of environmental, and health and safety issues 9. Consideration of ethical, political and legal issues 10. Consideration of manufacturability and sustainability 11. Appropriateness of the scope and level of the project for a capstone experience 12. Quality of visual aids (slides, transparencies, models) 13. Use of audience-appropriate content, detail, style and vocabulary 14. Use of charts, graphs and figures in the presentation 15. Language usage (grammar, spelling) 16. Clarity and volume of speech 17. Technical credibility of material and effectiveness of responses to questions and comments 18. Presenter’s contribution level versus team member peers and overall project tasks 19. Presenter’s professionalism including appearance, organization and manner 20. Presenter’s eye contact and ability to address the audience Project and Presentation Elements Scored 1-5 Total 100 pts
Presentation Guide: 1. Introduction Project Title, Team #, Members Introduce Everyone by Name Basic Non Tech Product Description (No Requirements) What is the product? Why is the product useful? Who is the target market? Where is the target market? Why this project was selected?
Presentation Guide: 2. Resources Members Expertise and Experience Introduce Everyone by Name Again Basic Resource Balance Total Available Manhours Estimated Total Project Estimated Manhours Actual Project Manhours Finances Summary, How much did you spend? Team Logistics Summary How you worked including periodic meetings, data archive, file compilations
Presentation Guide: 3. Requirements Product Specifications Overall Product Level Performance Requirements Overall Product Level Standard Requirements Overall Productization Aspect Requirements as part of the above incl safety, legal, ethical, societal, cost, mfg, sustaining, reliability Block Diagram Implementation, System Design Block Design Ownership Assignment Team member owners Consider a handout guide if you have more than 10 blocks Product Level Requirement Allocations to Blocks (Introduce next speaker, first block owner)
Presentation Guide: 4. Design Blocks Block X within block diagram (map) Block X Performance Requirements Block X Standard Requirements (allocations) Block X Productization Aspects incl safety, legal, ethical, societal, cost, mfg, sustaining, reliability Block X block diagram if applicable
Presentation Elements: 4-5. Design Blocks Block X Detailed Design, Calculations Block X Worst Case Analysis, Design for Mass Production Block X Prototype Parts List, Mass Production Parts List, Costs Block X Requirement Verification Plan incl Prototyping Block X Verification Results incl simulations, test results including photos, traces Block X Reliability analysis (Wait briefly for any Questions but don’t solicit them. Introduce next speaker)
Key Presentation Elements: Overall Productization Product Mass Production Strategy, # of boards, technology employed, packaging Mass production parts list, costs incl test development, sole source parts versus multiple source parts Electronic Assembly Processes, Diagram. Automatic versus hand assemblies, Standard Processes versus Custom. Point of Mfg Hazardous materials utilized in Mfg (lead, cadmium, etc) Mass production test strategy. Sub assembly tests, in-circuit, functional, test coverage Mass production costs, tooling, yield/scrap
Key Presentation Elements: Overall Productization Operator Manual, Serviceable Parts and Instructions, Disposal of Serviceable Parts, Reclamations Warnings, Labeling, Use or User Restrictions, Authorized Uses (Legal & Societal aspects) Overall Reliability Calculation, Annual Production Volume Product Warranty versus Reliability and Service Strategy, Expected Product Life Production Life, Potential Obsolescence Product Disposal, Recycling
Key Presentation Elements: Prototype Validation Product Prototyping Strategy incl overall architecture, # of boards, technology employed, parts list, cost Overall product validation plan Product validation test results Overall Std and Performance requirements versus test results. Which requirements are satisfied, which are not?
Key Presentation Elements: Prototype Demo Prototyping Setup Instrumentation Points Key Product Functions Acknowledgements: Thanks to anyone who you wish to recognize outside the project team Ask if there are Questions?