SOUTHWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The Six Pillars of Character- Monthly Schedule Responsibility * Respect * Caring * Trustworthiness * Citizenship * Fairness September and October- Introduce and review all six pillars February- Caring- Red October includes the Week of Respect, October 6-10th. Be kind to others and yourself Show you care! November- Responsibility- Green Express gratitude and forgiveness Do what you are supposed to do Help other people in need Persevere: keep giving your best Use self-control; be disciplined March – Trustworthiness- Blue Think before you act and consider consequences Be honest Be accountable for your actions Do not steal or cheat Set a good example for others Do the right thing, even if you are the only one Take ownership of poor choices and learn from them Be reliable- do what you say you will do Be loyal to your teachers, your friends, your family and your school December- Respect- Yellow Treat others with respect and follow the “Golden Rule” Be tolerant and accepting of differences April- Citizenship- Purple Use good manners and avoid bad language Do your share to make Southwood School and Old Bridge a better place! Be considerate of the feelings of others Deal peacefully with anger, insults or disagreements Cooperate with others Never threaten, hit, or hurt anyone! Be a good neighbor Obey rules and laws inside of school and outside of school January- Fairness- Orange Play by the rules Respect authority Take turns and share with others Protect our environment Be open to new ideas Treat other people fairly May and June - Review and reinforce all six pillars Do not take advantage of others