The 5 pillars of characterisation The Book Thief
TASK: Complete the table for your chosen main character Names and Labels e.g. Use of description, alliteration, nicknames and titles given to characters reveals a lot about who they are and what they are about Compare and contrast e.g. The intentional placing and interactions between characters who are both similar and different to highlight feelings and attributes. Actions e.g. The illustration of character's inner thoughts and beliefs by their actions. Dialogue e.g. Show power, confidence, emotion. Look out for imperative verbs (bossy verbs). Thoughts e.g. (Narrative Focalisation)- characterisation through showing of character’s thoughts.
Death Names and Labels Compare and contrast Actions Dialogue Thoughts -Loss -A Result (p.7) -Not the typical Grim Reaper. Doesn’t carry sickle or scythe. Human characteristics: feels pain, guilt, compassion, hatred for inhumanity. -Feels curious. -Describes himself: ‘If you know what I look like…’ (p.329) Compare and contrast -Initially cynical but as the novel progresses he exemplifies remorse. Hans/Death: Similarities: -Feel pain for Liesel -Show compassion -Disagree with Nazism -Deal with the dead post-war Death/Hitler -Hitler loves death, Death hates Hitler -Death shows more humanity than Hitler -Hitler definition of Death -Hitler has a direct impact on humanity Actions -Picks up Liesel’s book towards the end –he is curious - He gives meaning to his work: refers to the colours to numb the stress of the job (‘Holidays in increments’) -Works for the greatest villains. (unwillingly) -Meets the Book Thief three times -Stomps on Hitler’s portrait in Diller’s basement Dialogue “Cant stand to look at” the “survivors”. p5 “I am a result” p7 “Even death has a heart.” p262 “It kills me sometimes, how people die.” p494 -Describes the war – ‘the Russians, the Germans and the bullets’ (p.499) Thoughts -Haunted by humans -Wanted to say, “I’m sorry, child” but is not allowed. -The ugly/beauty of humanity (p.522) -War is pointless -Humans are stupid sometimes.