An African journey By Deetya and Danna
Point one Timbuktu Why=to take a guided trip through the dessert. Pack=sunscreen, shorts, short sleeves and lots of water. Transportation=we are going to take a boat. Extra facts=Timbuktu is a city in the west African nation of Mali situated 20 kilometer.
Point two Madagascar Why=to take a river tour Pack=water proof, camera, mosquito repellent, and long sleeves Transportation =we are going to take a train Extra facts=Madagascar is a island country in the Indian ocean just of the southeastern coast of Africa.
Point three Victoria Falls Why=Inspiring Beaty and Grandeaur in Victoria Falls. What to pack=bug spray, camera, long sleeves and long pants. Transportation=we will take a boat Extra facts=Victoria Falls are formed by the rapids of river Zambezi.
Point four Tanzania Why=to visit the national park in Tanzania What to pack=camera, short sleeves, short pants Transportation=We are going to take a bus. Extra facts=With its expansive landscapes of Formida animal life.
Point five Egypt Why=to go to the dessert Pack=short sleeves, shorts and lots of water Tranportation=we are going to take a airplane Extra facts=sphinx of Giza commonly referred to the Egyptian Pyramids