SAFETY IN THE CLASSROOM General Woodshop Safety Part I
Why Learn about Safety Knowledge of Safety helps you learn how to protect yourself from different hazards that you will encounter as you begin working in the shop at the school. It applies to you even if you are working with tools at your own house, or are helping someone out with a building project.
General Shop Safety-Part I Eye & Face Protection Foot Protection, Clothing, Jewelry, Hair Machine Guards Electrical Hazards Shop Cleanup
Eye & Face Protection When cutting and working with wood, you always run the chance of being exposed flying particles that can hit either your eyes or your face. Any time you are working with a chemical product that might splash into your eyes, such as when you are putting a finish, such as oil or urethane on your project, you need to wear safety glasses.
Safety glasses Safety glasses are the easiest type of eye protection to wear. Safety glasses should cover both the front and sides of your eyes. They protect against flying objects such as particles and dust.
Goggles In addition to protection from particles and dust, goggles provide additional protection from splashes of liquids, because they fit snugly on your face. For this reason they protect your eyes better than safety glasses.
Face shields Can be worn with safety glasses or goggles. Face shields are adjustable and guard your face against both flying objects and splashes.
Contact lenses and prescription glasses Contact lenses and prescription glasses will not protect your eyes. Special safety glasses and goggles are available that can fit over your regular prescription glasses. Let your teacher know that you need safety glasses that fit over your regular glasses. If you wear contact lenses, fine wood dust might get under the contact lens and injure your eye. Wearing goggles will help keep dust from getting under your contact lenses.
Eye & Face Protection Quiz 1) When you're in the shop, if you normally wear prescription glasses, you: a) Should take them off and just wear safety glasses instead b) Should ask your teacher for safety goggles that fit over your glasses c) Do not need safety goggles because your regular glasses will protect your eyes d) Both A and C 2) Safety goggles can protect your eyes better than safety glasses because: a) They protect against dust b) They protect against particles c) They fit snugly against splashes d) All of the above 3) If you wear contact lenses it is particularly important to wear safety goggles in the shop because: a) Dust particles can get under your contact lens and injure your eye b) It can be hard to see small objects without safety goggles c) Safety goggles will do a better job keeping out dust than safety glasses d) Both A and C
Foot Protection, Clothing, Jewelry, Hair Foot Protection, Clothing, Jewelry, Hair Why is it so important to wear the right kind of clothing when you are working in a wood shop? Anytime you are wearing something loose, there is the possibility it could become tangled in your machine. This includes not only your clothing, but also necklaces and other jewelry.
Foot Protection, Clothing, Jewelry, Hair People have been seriously injured when their hair has gotten wound around a fast-spinning tool. Open-toed shoes (like sandals) do not offer enough protection for your feet
Clothing Roll long sleeves up above the elbow. This will keep your clothes clean and prevent the material from getting caught in the tool you are working with.
Foot Protection If you don't have the right shoes or boots, you could jam or stub your toe on equipment. Your toes could also get crushed or cut by falling objects. Even a small object, no heavier than 7 pounds, can injure your foot when dropped from waist height. To prevent these injuries NEVER wear shoes with open toes (like sandals of any kind) while working in the shop.
Foot Protection Shoe Soles Make sure the soles of your shoes are thick enough to prevent nails from puncturing them. On construction and building sites, it is easy to walk on a board with a nail sticking out of it. If you were just wearing tennis shoes, that nail could puncture your foot.
Foot Protection Steel Toes The best way to protect your feet from crushing is to wear boots or shoes that have cap built into the shoe, which covers the toes. These are called steel-toed shoes. These are required on many construction and building sites because the risk of foot injuries is so high.
Jewelry If you are wearing a loose necklace, either tuck it into your shirt or take it off and put it into your pocket while you are working. Take off rings and put them in your pocket to prevent your fingers from getting caught in the moving equipment.
Long hair Tie it back so it can not hang over the tool you are working with.
Foot Protection, Clothing, Jewelry and Hair Quiz 1) How heavy would an object dropped from waist-height need to be to injure your foot? a) 100 pounds b) 50 pounds c) 20 pounds d) 10 pounds 2) What is the best way to protect your feet from falling objects? a) Always be ready to jump out of the way when something falls b) Wear sneakers or tennis shoes so you can move quickly c) Wear boots with steel caps to protect your toes d) Both A and B 3) Which of the following is NOT a good reason to tie your hair back when you're in the shop? a) Pony-tails are in style b) It could get tangled in a machine c) To keep it from hanging over your work d) Both B and C