Combat Support Agency Working Group WJTSC 09-2 26 AUG 09
Welcome Introductions Approve Minutes from WJTSC 09-1 DCMA, DIA, DISA, DLA, DTRA, NGA, NSA Around the room Approve Minutes from WJTSC 09-1
DCMA, DIA, DISA, DLA, DTRA, NGA, NSA CSA Roundtable DCMA, DIA, DISA, DLA, DTRA, NGA, NSA Who’s your Joint Training POC? How are JTS activities organized in your CSA? Do you assess joint training? How’s it working out? Discuss JTS progress in past 12 months Successes / Issues / Challenges 5-10 minutes/CSA
Formalizing CSA WG Issue: Is the CSA WG appropriately structured & operated for CSA needs? Jul 09 CSA meeting: Agreed to vote Pros / Cons (discussion) VOTE Next Steps (if required)
Did you know? JTIMS JAEC (Joint Assessment and Enabling Capability) User Guide published Training Program published Newsletter initiated JAEC (Joint Assessment and Enabling Capability) Will not include CSAs in FY10 assessment FY11 inclusion is TBD
JTS Guidance Review Two pubs in review (JUN/JUL 09 drafts) CJCSN 3500.01, Chairman’s Joint Training Guidance CJCSI 3500.01F, Joint Training Policy and Guidance Selected Issues (Can we reach consensus?) Is the guidance acceptable to CSAs? Training Plan Terminology “ATP” / “”JTP” / generic “training plan” / ???? Training Plan focus Train CSA staff or train COCOM staff?
CJCSN 3500.01 (draft) Chairman’s Joint Training Guidance Page 3, Para 6 d. The combatant commanders and CSA directors will: (1) Prepare their subordinate commanders, individuals, and staffs to conduct the full range of military operations by incorporating a progressive and synchronized joint/agency training program encompassing individual, staff and collective training in their J/ATP; and replicate the prevalent operational environment by increasing interagency, intergovernmental, multinational and international organization interaction in joint training events: “train like we operate.” (2) Develop, refine, execute and manage training programs that support mission capability requirements through application of the Joint Training System, and document and manage the information requirements of their joint/agency training programs in JTIMS. JTIMS should also be used, to the greatest extent possible, to support management and execution of individual, staff and coalition training programs.
CJCSI 3500.01F (draft) Joint Training Policy & Guidance Slide 1/3 CJCSI 3500.01F (draft) Joint Training Policy & Guidance Joint Training Guidance, Page D-4, para 7 7. Combat Support Agencies a. Collaborate with supported COCOMs for JMETL preparation. b. Conduct mission analysis of theater operational plans, SCPs <Security Cooperation Plans>, Unified Command Plan, and Presidential and SecDef Directives to identify mission tasks and METs. Link development of JMETs and supporting tasks to supported command operational and supporting mission plans, SCP and Presidential and SecDef Directives. c. Integrate CSA training events and programs with respective COCOM joint training programs to the maximum extent possible to focus agency preparation and support for COCOM missions. d. Develop training plans that prepare agency personnel to support COCOM missions and improve readiness. e. Assess CSA training events that support COCOM mission.
CJCSI 3500.01F (draft) Joint Training Policy & Guidance Slide 2/3 CJCSI 3500.01F (draft) Joint Training Policy & Guidance Joint Training Responsibilities, Page E-14, para 10 10. Combat Support Agencies. The CSAs are responsible for: a. Designating an OPR for joint training. The OPR serves as the CSA representative to the Joint Training Enterprise & participates in the WJTSC. b. Fully implementing all phases of the JTS. c. Developing a customer-based comprehensive plan detailing their training objectives to meet assigned missions and specific combatant command JMETL requirements. This is normally done through a UJT-based JMETL and a JTP. CSA-developed JMETL should be closely linked to the combatant commands’ JMETL. Accordingly, joint training event participation by CSAs should be scheduled/published within the respective supported command’s JTP, the respective CSA’s JTP and JTIMS. d. Annually reviewing JMETL by 30 December. e. Annually publishing JTP in the JTIMS by 15 July. f. Nominating applicable training courses for inclusion in the JKSD. Assisting JWFC/J7 in joint course development for courses in which the CSA has subject matter expertise.
CJCSI 3500.01F (draft) Joint Training Policy & Guidance Slide 3/3 CJCSI 3500.01F (draft) Joint Training Policy & Guidance Joint Training Responsibilities, Page E-14, para 10 g. Nominating appropriate sites and systems to JFCOM for JNTC certification. h. Reviewing supported combatant command JTP Tab B for identified CSA tasks deemed necessary by the COCOM to complete assigned missions. i. Assessing Chairman’s HITIs for applicability and, where shortfalls are identified, including mitigating activities in the agency training plan. Chairman’s HITIs will be closed by the Chairman when, in the assessment of the agency director, the issue has been adequately addressed. j. Reviewing, updating (as required), and approving TPAs in the JTIMS on a monthly basis to align with the DRRS monthly assessment review/update. k. Ensuring that when Experiment & Test (E&T) nominations are received, they are evaluated for possible incorporation into joint training events. Organizations sponsoring joint training events will facilitate the integration of approved E&T nominees. l. Participating in NEP exercises as assigned by ASD (HD&ASA) or the CJCS. m. Participating in joint and integrated training events to the maximum extent possible.
CSA Engagement with COCOMs Issue: Is there value to exploring ways to better understand COCOM joint training needs and CSA participation? Likely joint training activities affected Exercise support METL integration CSA expertise training for COCOM (classroom, MTT) Potential solutions Survey? Interviews? Leverage CSA LNOs? Let each CSA determine it’s method?
Continued Implementation of JTSS Program for the Combat Support Agencies Briefer: Mr Cook Issue 08-019: Continued implementation of JTSS Program for the Combat Support Agencies Discussion: The Joint Training System Specialist (JTSS) program is vital to Combat Support Agency (CSA) implementation and sustainment of the Joint Training System (JTS) in support of the combatant commands. Agencies with a JTSS have achieved greater success in accomplishing JTS requirements; i.e. Agency Mission Essential Task List, Agency Training Plan, and exercise integration. While the CSAs continue to make notable investments to comply with JTS program requirements, these resources are limited. On-site JTSS fielding is a force multiplier and a vital element in sustaining CSA participation in the JTS program. Currently, there are two CSAs (National Security Agency and Defense Information Systems Agency) who do not have a JTSS. Endstate: Complete the implementation of JTSS to NSA and DISA. Ensure continued JTSS fielding to each CSA. POA&M: Pending results of Combatant Commander Exercise Engagement Stakeholder Leadership Team programmatic decisions. OPR: Joint Staff J-7; OCRs: CSAs NOV 08 MAR 09 JUL – AUG 09 AUG 09 TBD Blue Ribbon Panel results released Discuss requirement during CE2 SLT meeting at WJTSC 09-1 Develop UFR NSA and DISA positions funded for FY10 CE2 SLT decision on out year funding Positions fully funded for outyears 12
Preparing for WJTSC 10-1 Continue WG at Rosslyn? Frequency? Possible topics: Role of OSD PSA CSA support to COCOM/Nat’l Exercises Best Practices CSA-only Issue deck JTS tool demos for CSAs CSA POC meeting with JS J7 Formalizing CSA WG (depending on VOTE)
THANKS for your continued participation in this WG Wrap-Up What else is on your mind? Bob Hunt & Schu conducting one-on-one interviews to capture your perspectives, issues & concerns Anonymously compiled into our final report THANKS for your continued participation in this WG