عنوان مقاله: Primary Gastric Lymphoma: Clinicopathologic study of gastric lymphoma casess and the treatment option of choice
Patients: 30 patients (19 male and 11 female) with a mean age of 51 years (Range of 34 – 68 years) The frequency of primary gastric lymphoma in our series was 42% of the total of primary gastrointestinal lymphoma.
Sites of involve 71 patients who presented with gastrointestinal lymphoma , ( In the period 1990-2000). 30 in the Stomach , 24 in the Intestine , 8 in the Ileoccal region , in the Rectosigmoid. 4 cases, multiple sites in the gastrointestinal tract were involved.
The most common complaints were epigastric pain (100%) , weight loss(80%), nausea, and vomiting( 74%) Lymphadenopathy is rare (3 of 30 cases), Perforation, bleeding,or obstruction are uncommon.
chemotherapy CHOP Cyclophosphamid 1000 mg/m, Adriamycin 50 mg/m. Vincristine 1.4 mg/m Prednisolone 40 mg/m repeated once in 15 days. A total of 6 cycle
Grade of Lymphoma: Low grade Lymphoma 17patients (57%) high-grade Lymphoma 13 cases( 43%) The frequency of primary gastric lymphoma in our series was 42%
7 cases in stage I (23%), 9 cases in stage II (30%), The stages of Lymphoma: 7 cases in stage I (23%), 9 cases in stage II (30%), 9 cases in stage III ( 30%) 5 cases in stage IV(17%).
the overall survival rate of patients was 47.8% at 5 years.
The five-year survival for stage I, II, III, IV were Result: Free Disease Survival (FDS) of 67% at five years. The five-year survival for stage I, II, III, IV were 87%, 61%, 25% and 11% respectively, and the five year survival for low grade and high grade were 91% and 56% respectively.
Table1. Staging of GI Lymphoma (Crowther D A. Blackledge G)* I A Single tumour confined to gut B Multiple tumours confined to gut II A Tumour with local lymph node involvement. B Tumour with local extension to adjacent tissues. C Tumour with proliferation and peritonitis. III A Tumour with widespread lymphodenopathy. IV A Tumour with disseminated disease in non-lymphoid tissue
Conclusions: Early stage disease and high-grade Lymphoma have a better prognosis and patients who have complete surgical removal of primary tumor and chemotherapy.