The Swedish partners – a short introduction
Linnaeus University in short Located in Kalmar and Växjö 31000 students , 15000 full-time equivalents, 2000 employees Ca. 150 professors, 320 doctoral students Sweden’s sixth largest university (in terms of number of students) Swedens youngest university (2010)
Linnaeus University in short Teacher Education, Arts and Humanities, Health and Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Technology, School of Business and Economy Five cutting-edge research groups – Linnaeus University Centres Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies Discrimination and Integration Studies Biomaterials Chemistry Intermedial and Multimodal Studies
A university where knowledge grows! Product developer at IKEA Oscar winner Olympic gold medalist Entre- preneurs Broad- caster
The County Administrative Board of Kalmar
County of Kalmar Sweden is divided into 21 counties, each of which has its own County Administrative Board and County Governor. In the County of Kalmar there are app. 237 000 inhabitants, which corresponds to 2,4 % of Swedens population. Kalmar County consists of twelve municipalities Efter att ha minskat under lång tid på grund av utflyttning till övriga Sverige har länets befolkning ökat från 2010 och framåt. Befolkningsökningen beror på inflyttning från utlandet och de som flyttar in är unga jämfört med den infödda befolkningen. Fortfarande flyttar många från länet till övriga Sverige, främst yngre personer och kvinnor. Glesbygd - rural
County Administrative Board of Kalmar The County Administrative Board is the representative of the Government in the region and the coordinating body for State activities in the county. The County Administrative Board has a broad area of responsibility. The Board works within a wide range of issues such as; environment, nature conservation, agriculture, housing and social sustainability - gender equality, human rights and integration and soon crime prevention. Klicka för att varje punkt ska komma fram Det är 6 punkter
Our roles in YEIP The Linnaeus University will be Responsible for: The research element of the project in Sweden, and in particular; Mapping of existing laws, action plans, methods, etc. Establishing contacts and coordinate work with relevant stakeholders regionally and nationally. Putting together a reference group of young people, conduct field studies and develop methods/guidlines for prevention of extremism. Arranging youth-led seminars in Sweden Attend conferences relevant to the project. Disseminate project results, locally, regionally and nationally.
Our roles in YEIP The County Administrative Board will be responsible for: Assisting Linnaeus University with strategic advice and specifically with contacts locally, regionally, nationally and anchor the project in different networks and with relevant stakeholders. Contribute with knowledge of regional and national surveys and convey what is happening and are planned in the area of prevention of extremism at national and regional levels. Take part in relevant youth-led seminars and conferences according to the project description. Disseminate project results within existing networks locally, regionally and nationally.
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