Quality Enhancement Plan at Brookhaven College QEP WORKSHOP Quality Enhancement Plan at Brookhaven College How to Read and Study for Anatomy & Physiology David Cameron, Faculty - Anatomy & Physiology Patti Johnson, QEP Project Manager
Preview your textbook QEP Workshop Review the Table of Contents Find the Glossary, Index and Appendix. Notice the chapter format. Chapter questions and summaries are included. Examine the graphic conventions used in the text. (Oxygenated blood is always in red; deoxygenated blood is blue. Fats are yellow etc.) Would you buy a new phone and not examine all the features
Preview each chapter QEP Workshop Read chapter headings and sub-headings. Read the introduction and summary. Look for key terms in bold print and read the definitions. Examine graphs and charts and read the explanations. Notice questions at the end of each section. Answers are in the appendix. Ask yourself, “Do I have any prior knowledge on this topic?”
Activate Prior Knowledge QEP Workshop Activate Prior Knowledge Strengthen limited knowledge of a topic with research. Be an advocate for your own learning. Google the topic. Find a “Dummy” book. Check the library. Recall information covered in a previous science class. What do you remember? Find basic information to establish prior knowledge. Attend lectures with confidence. You know what’s coming!
Read the Chapter QEP Workshop Reading ahead is the key to success! Read before attending lecture. Read one paragraph at a time. Focus on words in bold print and their definitions. Exam questions often come from words in bold print. Locate charts and graphs referred to in the text. Take the time to read titles, data and explanations. The rest of the paragraph should support and clarify your findings. Remember to use question marks when you are confused. Avoid waiting to have questions answered the day before an exam.
Annotate PowerPoint Slides During Lecture Qep Workshop Annotate PowerPoint Slides During Lecture Make a copy of all the PowerPoint slides to use during lecture! Take notes (annotate) on your copy as your instructor explains each slide. “Read your instructor.” Notice what is emphasized. Star what the instructor says is important; put a large, bold T to stand for possible test question. Put a question mark by information you need more help with. Use sticky notes to record big ideas or summarize concepts. Make connections to everyday life.
Get the Most Out of Labs QEP Workshop Read chapters, lab exercises and lab handouts before coming to lab. Lab quizzes are designed to test your knowledge of a topic before you participate in lab activities. Reading ahead of time is crucial. Actively participate and ask questions. Get to know your lab instructor and your peers. Take advantage of the limited time you have in lab to get the most out of all available resources.
Read the Chapter Again QEP Workshop Use annotated slides, lecture notes and lab notes to help you further understand the information. Focus again on words in bold print, and make flash cards or other study aids. Focus on figures, and be certain you understand them. Underline main points, and take notes. Ask yourself: What are the main points within each section? What are the key concepts? What message is the author attempting to relay? Why is this important? Write it down. Answer questions at the end of each section. Check answers in the appendix.
Be an Active Reader Qep Workshop Practice metacognition. (Know when you know, and know when you don’t know.) Reread when you don’t understand. Refer to your annotated PowerPoint slides, chapter notes and lecture notes for help. Limit highlighting. Underline, mark or circle main ideas. Write in the margins of your text or use sticky notes. Make flash cards, concept maps and other study aids that work for you.
Form Study Groups QEP Workshop Contact peers and form groups as soon as possible. Avoid waiting until the week before a test. Review lecture notes, PowerPoint slides and lab notes together. Teach each other. Invest in a portable whiteboard to use at Starbucks. If you really know the material, you can teach it to someone else! No study group? Teach your spouse, a friend, your children, your pets. Teach anyone who will listen.
BrookhavenCollege.edu/Reading Qep Workshop STUDY SMART Read from your text; study from your notes. Use your notes, annotated PowerPoint slides, flash cards and concept maps to study. Refer to your book as a resource to answer questions you might have or to fill gaps in your study aids. Spend time studying alone, as well as, with your group. Take advantage of the BRC, tutors, workshops and the QEP website. BrookhavenCollege.edu/Reading
Have a great semester and Good Luck! QEP Workshop Have a great semester and Good Luck!