Presentation Skills Cambodian Mekong University March 01, 2013 Is the university that cares for the value of education Presentation Skills Tutor: Mr. un nay March 01, 2013
Presentation’s Outline Before Presentation POP Techniques During Presentation Personal delivering styles Building confidence Adapt to situation Using media aids Post Presentation Q & A Techniques
I. Before Presentation Planning Apply 5W1H Strategy What will be presented? Who will present and listen? Where will be presented or have a meeting? When will be presented? How to present?
I. Before Presentation Organizing Some basic requirement Presenters' uniform Presentation format Visual aids for presentation Notebook/note cards Handout for presentation Others
I. Before Presentation Practicing Rehearsal the speech Make a self talk or presentation by looking at the mirror. Set up an specific time and information Imagine there are audiences are looking at you Try to find your group or your close friends to act as the audiences and evaluate you Allow enough practice time so that you can become comfortable with your speech.
II. During presentation Personal Delivering Styles consist of 3 parts: + An effective Introduction Clearly introduce one’s self Clearly state your subject matter Clearly state the thesis statement Related the audience to the topic Present the importance of your topic Stand in the proper place or position
II. During presentation An effective Delivering Remember to face audience and make eyes contact Speak confidently and loudly Emphasize key numbers or words Use visual aids to help you Involve audience by asking questions Try to avoid information over or under load Making joke if possible Make well transaction
II. During presentation An Effective Conclusion Each point or presenter needs to make a brief summary about their main points Restate should be made to avoid repeated words Make a prediction or suggestion for the audience Conclusion should be convincing and short
II. During presentation + Building confidence: Prepare thoroughly Rehearse aloud Breathe deeply Reduce signs of nervousness Display media aids effectively Keep on smiling Believe your self Get some support or motivate
II. During presentation + Adapting to the Situation During the speech What would you do if one of them happened to you? You stumble and nearly fall down. Your remaining note cards are out of order. The computer program licks during your Power Point presentation.
II. During presentation + Adapting to the Situation Team Presentations Here are three guidelines for good team delivery: Plan what each person will talk about and stick to it Watch your time Pay attention to each other If one member makes a mistake, the whole team is responsible for managing the problem If your teammate gives incorrect information, you should: Try to work in a correction when you speak. Send a note to the speaker.
II. During presentation + Using Media Aids Whiteboard use Posters/Flip Charts LCD Projectors Handouts ( slides) Wireless mouse Videos Audiotapes and Recording
III. Post Presentation Q & A Techniques Facilitate students questions Make sure all students can hear the questions Make your answers with a limited time frame Never tell your audience that you don’t know Don’t try to argue or debate with the audiences Say thanks in the end Try not to answer the questions which are not clear or you don’t understand
IN CONCLUSION An effective presentation Well- prepared Clear format about three parts Clearly state your subject matter Related the audience to the topic Control your actions Control your speech Control your time Control your information Use visual aids
Thanks Questions Answers And Cambodian Mekong University is the university that care for value of education.