Charting our Future A Vision for Public Education in Coffee County An initiative of the Coffee County School System and the citizens it serves
We believe… that public education is the cornerstone of Coffee County’s heritage and future as well as a collaborative effort of all community members.
The Purpose of Public Education is… to prepare students for college, career, and life.
Our goal is to ensure that… the Coffee County School System provides all children and youth with an equitable and excellent educational opportunity that prepares them for college, career, and life.
Student Learning for College, Career, and Life Includes: Basic academic knowledge and skills Critical thinking and problem solving Appreciation of the arts and literature Preparation for skilled employment Social skills and work ethic Citizenship and community responsibility Physical health Emotional health Rothstein, Jacobsen, and Wilder (2008)
Why Act and Why Now? To provide a rewarding educational experience for all students To make learning more rigorous, relevant, and real To remain competitive in a global economy To ensure meaningful engagement of our community To build trust and support
Why Act and Why Now? To ensure effective implementation of the state standards (curriculum) and career pathways To realize success under the new state accountability system (CCRPI) To establish a sound local accountability system To maintain full AdvancED accreditation (SACS) To establish and maintain viable partnerships and collaboratives within and beyond our community
Standards for Coffee County Schools (AdvancED Standards) Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Purpose and Direction The system consistently communicates a purpose and direction for continuous improvement: by embracing high expectations for learning by adopting shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning
Governance and Leadership The school system operates under a board of education and leadership staff that promote and support student performance and system effectiveness.
Governance and Leadership Selecting an operational system Local school systems must choose no later than June 30, 2015, to operate as an: Investing in Educational Excellence – IE2, or Charter, or Status Quo school system. Official Code of Georgia 20-2-84.3
Teaching and Assessing for Learning Purpose: All students need to experience a curriculum that provides a clear connection between school completion and subsequent success in college, career, and life. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Resources and Support Systems The system has resources and provides services in all schools that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students. Human Technological Instructional Student Support Fiscal Organizational Information
Using Results for Continuous Improvement The school system implements an assessment system that yields appropriate information about student learning and uses results to guide continuous improvement.
Call to Action Learn Student Conversations Community Conversations Stakeholder Surveys Vision Video Staff Conversations Discuss Friends Family Educators Community Local & State Leaders Local and State Policymakers Act Student & Parents Higher Education Leadership State Policymakers Board of Education Superintendent Faculty & Staff School & System Leadership
Coffee County Schools Charting our future through meaningful community engagement, effective planning, and high quality implementation