Breakdown of Membership - Where the revenue came from 2005-2006 GAHE Fast Facts Chapter Member Survey Number of members surveyed 443 Number of responses 205 Response rate 46.3% Mean number of yrs. as a member 4.4 Mean satisfaction with chapter 7.2 (out of 10) Able to attend any chapter events 68% yes 32% no Preferred time of event Lunch (12-2) Preferred day of week for event Thursday Willing to travel for event 30 minutes Biggest reason for not attending event Breakdown of Membership - (as of 12/31/05) Application Pending 1 Diplomate 62 Faculty Associate 1 Fellow 39 Member 189 Rec. Diplomate 13 Rec. Fellow 13 Former Affiliate 28 Non Affiliate 20 Prospect 107 Retired Status 1 Student Associate 26 Total Chapter Members = 500 Location GAHE Forum Updates WHE Forum The formerly independent Women Healthcare Executives of GA joined GAHE in early 2005, forming the GAHE WHE Forum. The WHE Forum provides educational, networking and career development opportunities, with a specific focus on issues of interest to women, although men are welcome to attend. The WHE Forum holds regular meetings that feature programs for both professional and personal enrichment. In its inaugural year, the WHE Forum hosted two educational programs and two networking events. Student Forum In conjunction with the Regent’s Advisory Council, the GAHE Student Forum was developed in September 2005. The purpose of the Forum is to develop networking opportunities that enhance personal and professional goals by fostering professional development through interaction with faculty, staff and healthcare leaders. The Forum is an addition and is not meant to compete against already established student chapters. The Forum held its first event in November with R. Timothy Stack, FACHE as the presenter. The Forum is in charge of organizing and planning the annual GAHE Career Development Symposium. A mentoring program is currently under development. Revenue Analysis Where the revenue came from Educational Programs Topic Presenter Attendees ACHE Update Sam Odle, FACHE 114 WHE Forum Event Nanette Wenger, MD 26 CEO Update John T. Fox 120 Student Forum Event Tim Stack, FACHE 60 Department of Community Health Update Jeff Anderson 60 Ethics Seminar Oliver Halle 104 WHE Forum Event Kathleen Hall, PhD 54 The Mathis Maxims: Lessons in Leadership Larry Mathis, LFACHE 58