SPEAKING THE SAME LANGUAGE: Ensuring a smooth lab turnover, from construction to operations John Ott Introduce Presentation topic and us
Learning Objectives Thru this presentation we hope you will gain insights into … Levels of enhanced turnover Best time to identify FM turnover requirements Resources required for enhanced turnover How to specify in construction contracts John or Randy discuss the learning objectives of this presentation .
Ohio State University's Plant & Animal Agrosecurity Research (PAAR) Highly secure BSL-3 bio-containment facility 27,537 gross SF & 23,000 assignable SF Two BSL-3 enhanced laboratories & four BSL-3 Ag animal isolation rooms that can handle large animals John describe the construction project and the motivations to enhance the turnover process.
Critical Lab Asset Types John the following are some examples of some unique equipment associated with this BSL3 lab project that needed to be captured and PM schedules set up. Examples - BioSeal Damper Exhaust with HEPA filter housing
Critical Lab Asset Types John More unique and critical assets to be maintained - all piping has HEPA filters associated with plumbing vents; sealed floor penetrations; boiler has 6 page O&M instructions to input to the client’s FM system.
Critical Lab Asset Types John Exhaust Air Valve with critical electronic controls for critical airflow and maintaining negative air pressure within the lab areas.
Critical Lab Asset Types John HEPA filter housing and required interior smoke testing requirements (for leakage inspection and certifications) Some HEPA filters are expensive 0.1 micron filters requiring daily pressure readings for trend analysis and predictive maintenance (filter replacement). Annual pressure gauge reading certifications required.
Critical Lab Asset Types John There were 86 backflow preventors in this facility that needed to be documented and tested/certified.
Critical Lab Asset Types John Not your typical rooftop exhaust fans. These redundant exhaust fan system required regular inspections and strict maintenance to ensure zero operational downtime.
Challenges to Enhanced Turnover Potential challenges No BIM data No COBie data required from contractors Lack of electronic documentation Inaccurate drawings Unique assets Verifying hard-to-access assets Who has the time and skills to do this When does it need to be done John or Randy describe the project challenges for an enhance turnover process.
Traditional vs Modern Facility Turnover Randy How far do you need to go? Depends on building type, operational criticality, type of FM system in use, and ultimately the cost … BSL3 labs are unique in the criticality of building and equipment operations … so there was a need to enhance the Construction to Operations turnover process.
Traditional vs Modern Facility Turnover From Paper To BIM/FM Integration Randy paper documents are quickly becoming obsolete. The industry trend is to integrate the construction Model drawings with client’s FM system. There are options in between. What is needed? Is it worth the cost?
Learning Objective #1 Levels of enhanced turnover: Paper drawings and documents Electronic drawings and documents Key FM Data extracted and loaded Key FM Data provided as part of construction BIM to FM integration Fully integrated Capital Project to Operations processes Lab project Randy review the current trends in construction to operations turnover From Paper to Electronic Docs to Electronic Data to BIM integration to Integrated handoff processes between Construction Project Management, Designers, Contractors, Commissioning, and Facilities Operations.
Key FM Data extracted and loaded Scope of Work: FM data extracted (drawings, documents, field surveys) Field verification (barcoding optional) Data formatted and normalized to FM system Data loaded PM Tasks/Procedures developed PM’s Scheduled Documents loaded and linked Randy the enhanced turnover process selected for this facility given all the factors was our standard ETOP service (describe).
Key FM Data extracted and loaded Data Objects: Space/location records Asset/equipment records Vendors/manufacturers OEM/Client Preventive Mntc tasks & procedures PM schedules Warranty information Spare parts information Hazardous materials Digital images/pictures Associated electronic documentation Randy the focus was on extracting important and usable FM data. Space – to more accurately locate maintainable assets in the FM database; often used to document space usage and costs for funded research programs. Assets – we use the term “maintainable assets” to determine the detail list of asset records and data fields to be gathered electronically. Vendors /Mfgrs – key contact information that must be handed over to the Facility Operations team if you want them to take responsibility for managing warranties. Preventive Maintenance – the challenge is the level of detail required based on the facility and equipment requirements and criticality. - location based PM’s vs Asset-based PM’s (asset histories) - Mfgr PM’s vs standard library of PM’s by Asset Class/Type - Calendar-based vs Reading based - Step by step Procedures or reference Procedure document PM Schedules – coordinating the new work requirements with the existing labor force and work loads (labor leveling and seasonality) Warranty – to be able to recover costs through the effective management of warranty information; key information that needs to be transitioned from the Project Managers to Facility Operations. Spare Parts – to eliminate wasteful trips by the Mntc Tech and supporting just-in-time parts stocking
Typical Deliverables – Asset Inventory Randy continue discussion about elements of an enhanced turnover process. one objective is to include more than just data, but any info that could provide useful to the maintenance team years after construction is complete. challenge - how much data do you collect and input and still be cost effective? does your FM system help flag and recover Mntc costs for warrantied items? does you facility have to closely track, manage, and warn Mntc staff of Hazmat conditions? Do digital images of installed equipment items assist in asset identification? - what electronic documents or portions of those documents important to link to the actual records in the FM database (quick and convenient access for Techs)
Typical Deliverables – PM Program Randy describe some of the deliverables from an enhanced turnover process … Complete space and asset inventory Asset verification through field surveys and barcoding Development of a Preventive Maintenance requirements and schedules that meets the OEM requirements and conforms to the client’s maintenance standards Association of electronic documents and digital images Loading of all information into the client’s existing FM system Coordination of new PM Schedules with the client’s existing work schedules
Typical Deliverables – Loaded FM system Randy emphasize … an enhanced turnover process is not just electronic documents, but the key data within those documents are loaded into the client’s FM system for daily use by the Facility Operations staff.
How about now … before your next project even begins. Learning Objective #2 Best time to identify FM turnover requirements: When should you identify your FM needs for enhanced construction to operations transition? During Construction Before Contracting During Design Randy Trick question – each can provide benefit to the transition to operations. For example: During Design – FM staff can encourage the standardization of equipment, fixtures, and parts. They can also influence the layout for optimal maintenance access. They can assist in the life cycle cost analysis of equipment specification. Before Contracting – this is the opportunity to distribute the data collection and verification process to Contractors, CxA, internal staff, or 3rd party. During Construction – knowing when final equipment submittals are approved and when equipment is installed can enhance the timely data collection and field verification to ensure accuracy. It is important for the Mntc team to identify their turnover needs "before" construction contracts are issued, so their requirements can be included in the MEP contract specifications. That is how you gain efficiencies. How about now … before your next project even begins.
Learning Objective #3 Resources required for enhanced turnover: Knowledgeable in FM software applications Knowledgeable of client’s FM software data requirements Knowledgeable of Preventive Maintenance Skilled in data collection/data loading techniques Cost effective Randy discuss pros/cons for using Contractors vs Commissioning Agents vs Internal Staff vs FM Service provider The essence of the COBie turnover process is to distribute the collection of electronic FM data and documents to all those involved in the construction process … Construction Manager, Designer, Contractor, Commissioning Agent, Owner … to share the information they already have and minimize the turnover cost impact.
Learning Objective #4 How to specify in a construction contract: At a minimum, require contractors to provide COBie data * Be prepared to verify and validate their deliverables * Optionally, include COBie data as part of the BIM Execution Plan Or, specify the data objects/fields/format required by your FM software application Document when data must be provided Make it a requirement for successful closeout and payment Randy quick review of embedded sample contract
Summary Benefits of an enhanced turnover process: Complete operational data Accurate operational data Timely operational data Data and documents accessible through FM system Better coordination between Construction & Operations Saves time Saves money John Ott highlight the benefits of the enhanced turnover process and the lessons learned on this project.
Questions? John and Randy respond to questions.