English 9b, Day 21 * Wed/Thurs #50 Book Talk Thoughts (refer to chart #45) Pick ONE book that you might want to read from book talks you’ve seen so far. Write about WHY it appeals to you – plot, genre,characters, etc. 50 words then . . . Ready for quiz???!!
Class time today: You should NOT be working on vocab. It was DUE at beginning of class.
Vocabulary 5 = quiz today!!! Close all books, notebooks, etc. & tuck them away. Cover sheet / doodle sheet Remember you are a person of integrity & honor!!! When you are done . . . * Turn in quiz to the “turn in” box . . . * Place cover sheet on table in front of room * And . . . then . . . open your self-selected book and read!!!!
. . . Spring break . . . Upcoming Due Dates B = 20 Book Talks due (continued) A B Vocab #5 due & quiz . . . Spring break . . . A = 3 B A typed current event exploration # 1 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 1 Vocab #6 due & quiz Essay rd due for peer review B = 10 A typed current event exploration # 2 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 2 B A = 14 All classes: Essay FD due
Q3 Essay: The Odyssey Please get out two sheets of notebook paper. 2 Front = Body 3 1 Front = Body 1 1 Back = Body 2
Background: I have just engaged in a heated FB debate about whether Beauty and the Beast is an example of Stockholm Syndrome. My sister suggested that it was “just a story” and “didn’t mean anything.” Is it true that our stories really “don’t mean anything,” or do the stories of a society carry a deep cultural meaning?
Prompt: Joseph Campbell, American mythologist who created the idea of the "hero's journey," described a culture's important myths as a kind of "public dream," that lays bare the group subconscious and its deeply ingrained values and mores. From this dream (and these values and mores) emerge a culture's idea of what makes a hero.
Task: Identify three traits / values / mores of the ancient Greek hero that are evident in our friend Odysseus. Are these same traits / values / mores the same as those evident in heroes (or a hero) of the modern day? What might that say about heroes of ancient Greek vs. contemporary American culture? In your discussion, quote directly from the Odyssey (including internal citations) and reference specific instances in modern-day films or literature.
Identify three traits / values / mores of the ancient Greek hero that are evident in our friend Odysseus. 2 Front = Body 3 Trait 3 1 Front = Body 1 Trait 1 1 Back = Body 2 Trait 2
Are these same traits / values / mores the same as those evident in heroes (or a hero) of the modern day? What might that say about heroes of ancient Greek vs. contemporary American culture? In your discussion, quote directly from the Odyssey (including internal citations) and reference specific instances in modern-day films or literature.
Identify three traits / values / mores of the ancient Greek hero that are evident in our friend Odysseus. 1 Front = Body 1 Trait 1 1 quotation from Odyssey 2 CM 1 quotation/ reference to contemporary American hero lit 2CM 2 Front = Body 3 Trait 3 1 quotation from Odyssey 2 CM 1 quotation/ reference to contemporary American hero lit 2CM 1 Back = Body 2 Trait 2 1 quotation from Odyssey 2 CM 1 quotation/ reference to contemporary American hero lit 2CM
47 & 48: Are heroes of ancient Greece the same as heroes of contemporary American culture? Look at your list of heroes (#31 in notebook). Why did you prioritize the way you did? Are important traits similar in any way to the characteristics of our friend Odysseus? Whether similar or diff, what does their/our value of certain traits (strength, intelligence, beauty, bravery, creativity, leadership, etc.) say about their/our cultural priorities? Could be your “so what” of conclusion
. . . Spring break . . . Upcoming Due Dates B = 20 Book Talks due (continued) A B Vocab #5 due & quiz . . . Spring break . . . A = 3 B A typed current event exploration # 1 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 1 Vocab #6 due & quiz Essay rd due for peer review B = 10 A typed current event exploration # 2 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 2 B A = 14 All classes: Essay FD due
Q3 Independent Reading Select a NEW book that you have NEVER read before Books w/ movies are okay . . . You can even see the movie!!! . . . But you also need to read the book. At least 200 pages, probably more, and appropriate for your reading level You are looking for a FICTION book, or a non-fiction biography . . . Not a textbook, not a topic (“auto mechanics”) . . . You will need to discuss STORY STRUCTURE and CHARACTER. If you finish this book before the end of the quarter, you will select another book and KEEP READING There WILL be a book talk (slightly diff) . . . We’ll discuss later.
Your Project will have these components: Part 1: Hero Picture (you sketch!!!) Part 2: Helper Picture (you sketch!!!) Part 3: Pick 3 Stages of the Hero’s Journey
#45 Chart o’ Books Find this!!! 1A = 25 ish 2A = 30 ish 1B = 27 ish Student name Title of book Heroic? 1 2 3 4 5 Etc.
Q3 Self Selected Reading Project Today!!!!
The Odyssey
Group Work: READING / Vocab Read “The Challenge,” "Odysseus' Revenge,", "Penelope's Test," and "The Ending" (pages 907-916) 51: Penelope’s Chart o’ Clever = ½ page Penelope was Clever With suitors while Odysseus was gone explain With suitors re: picking a hubby With Odysseus: how did she verify it really was him?
You are working on . . . Reading Self-Selected Book ~*~Table of Contents~*~ 42 Odyssey Map 43 Stuck between Scylla and Charybdis #44 Goal Progress Check #45 Chart o’ Books 46 Odysseus Then & Now (full sheet) 47 What makes a Hero? #48 Group discussion summary 49: Argus & The Suitors (half page) 50 Book Talk Thoughts 51: Penelope’s Chart o’ Clever = ½ page Reading Self-Selected Book Notebook entries that need finishin’ CECE#1 due next Wed Essay due after break I get yer notebooks!! (vocab check only) A classes . . . If you want your notebooks for over break, pick up Fri!!