Financing possibilities for PhD students – some cases Paula Elomaa Department of Applied Biology
Case I Research group provides funding salary / scholarship chemicals + equipment + travel funding can be applied from several sources for a known or unknown person Academy of Finland EU TEKES Ministries selection of appropriate students TEKES = Finnish funding agency for technology and innovation Tekes finances industrial R&D projects as well as projects in universities and research institutes. Tekes especially promotes innovative, risk-intensive projects. Selection: application + interview + ask opinions from previous employees + test time VERY OFTEN THE PERSON HAS ALREADY DONE HER/HIS M.SC. WORK AND HAVE TURNED OUT TO BE VERY SKILLFULL
Case II Graduate schools the applicant should agree with the group in advance + make a detailed research plan for her/his PhD studies salary is provided for 1-4 years fully or partly matching fund students follow up groups PhD work is expected to be finished within 4 years! Many applicants Interviews Few places available
Case III Personal scholarships / grants Various private foundations Information of smaller foundations available only in finnish (?) appr. 1200-1300 e/month funding for short periods often no money for chemicals or other costs no insurance, no pension contribution TURA; Univ. of Turku – funding database TURAsta ilmestyy neljä kertaa vuodessa tutkimusrahoitustiedotteen (ent. apurahatiedote) nimellä myös pdf-muotoinen kooste apurahoista ja muista tutkimusrahoituksen mahdollisuuksista. Linkki tuoreimpaan tiedotteeseen on tämän sivun alareunassa. Se sisältää perustiedot n. 700 tutkimustoiminnan rahoittajasta Suomessa ja ulkomailla. Rahoitusmuodoista on eritelty.
Case IV International funding Funding from your own home country Exchange programs Specific target groups funding database If you have your own funding (own salary) it will be a very good possibility to get a PhD position joint students between groups EU money for post docs
What is expected from a PhD student? Why do you do this? Motivation & dedication! Good basic knowledge in M.Sc. studies Practical skills (e.g. lab work) Writing + language skills Show your own thinking! FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION Long working days! 4 years for a PhD – short time! Own thinking – you are doing your personal PhD thesis!