Smog ——Killer in the air
Q: What is smog? A: Smog is a type of air pollution, recently growing serious in China. The word “smog” is a combination of the words “smoke” and “fog”. Smog is composed of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and ozone. We usually know the harmful small particles in smog as pm 2.5.
A: The main causes of smog are: Q: Why is there smog? A: The main causes of smog are: 1. Coal fires 2. Traffic pollution 3. Industrial pollution
Q: How does smog affect our health? A: Smog increases the rate of lung disease and other illnesses in our population. Once we breathe in pm 2.5, they will remain in our lungs forever. Other than the respiratory system, smog also does harm to our circulatory system, our reproductive system, and our excretory system.
There are 4000 people killed by smog each day in China
Q: What should we do on smoggy days? A: 1. Wear a mask outdoors. 2. Stay indoors as much as possible. 3. Decrease skin exposure outdoors. 4. Eat fresh fruits and lots of fibers.
Q: What can we do to make the situation better? A: 1. Smoke less. 2. Drive less. Take buses or use a bicycle rather than drive your family car. 3. Plant trees.
It is hard to “cure” smog completely It is hard to “cure” smog completely. Even if we can do it, it will be very hard and will take a long period of time. Many factories will have to stop in order to decrease the pollution. That will affect the economy system and our daily life directly. So chances are very small to improve the situation. Everything has double sides, smog is one of the costs of our social and industrial development today.
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