Hobart and William Smith Colleges The Social Interaction of International Students at Hobart and William Smith Colleges Talia Azour Hobart and William Smith Colleges I am on a sports team on campus All other international students I went to a high school in the USA before HWS BACKGROUND This research explores the social integration of international students with the larger student population at HWS. It explores how international students identify their place on campus, what their habits are, and where they make connections with American students on campus. To answer these questions, a 5-10 minute survey was created on an online forum called Survey Monkey. The survey was sent to all international students on campus via email link. The research discovered how and where international students integrate with the larger student body. The study led to findings that show what the factors of integration are amongst the international community and how these factors lead to the creation of their identity on campus. This research is important because it can be used to inform the HWS institution about factors on campus that are more inclusive to international students and others that are not. Findings can also assist the institution in creating opportunities that were not previously available for international students. All other international students Agree I am confident in speak English with American students: Neutral & Disagree HYPOTHESES Sports teams are the best form of integration with American students International students who went to an American high school prior to HWS are more integrated with American students Comfort in the English language determine international students’ involvement on campus CONCLUSIONS Athletes integrate more on almost all levels. This comes through the most social spaces on campus and engaging in the more social activities Students who went to high school in America prior to HWS integrate more on campus Speaking English confidently is an important factor in determining the level of integration amongst international students