IKLIM DAN MANUSIA Oleh : Emilya Nurjani
adaptation Adjustment in natural or human systems to a new or changing environment. Adaptation to climate change refers to adjustment in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities. Various types of adaptation can be distinguished, including anticipatory and reactive adaptation, public and private adaptation, and autonomous and planned adaptation
Iklim, Penyakit dan Kesehatan .
Climate Change: the “debate” Skepticism is now receding. We know that: Greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations are increasing GHGs affect the climate system (thankfully!) World average temperature has risen relatively fast over the past 30 years Sea-level rise is gradually accelerating Many temperature-sensitive systems/processes have changed over the past two decades
Kilimanjaro 1970
Ice on Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro 2000 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 5 10 15 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 Year Area ( km 2 ) Kilimanjaro 2000
Modulating influences Health effects Health Effects Temperature-related Temperature - related illness and death illness and death Extreme weather- related (floods, storms, etc.) health effects Extreme weather - related health effects Human exposures Air pollution-related Air pollution - related Contamination pathways Transmission dynamics - rodent Microbial changes: Contamination paths Transmission dynamics Water and food-borne diseases Vector borne and borne diseases health effects health effects Regional weather Regional weather Climate Change Water and food - borne changes changes diseases • • Heat waves Heat waves Vector borne and • • Extreme weather Extreme weather rodent borne diseases • • Temperature Temperature • • Precipitation Sea-level rise Changes in agro-ecosystems, hydrology Socioeconomic and demographic disruption Effects of food and water shortages Mental, nutritional, infectious-disease and other effects
Infectious Disease Influenced by Environmental Change The challenge of emerging and reemerging diseases cannot be addressed without considering the complex interactions between the environment, microbe, and host that influence the prevalence of disease.
Aedes agepti
Perubahan Iklim dan Malaria Malaria is a global public health problem. In Tanzania and Kenya increased # of epidemics recently Geographical extent of plasmodium T limited & incidence depends on duration of warm season. Climate change => vector abundance, longevity, rate of parasite development in mosquitoes. Also => Human Activities, Immunity …… Bouma r: Malaria vs SST anomalies in East. Eq.P ==> ENSO affects population disasters >>>> Global Preparedness. Specifically tailored studies are required to elucidate these relationships
Dampak langsung: keluhan umum Pusing Bersin Batuk Mual Kelelahan Pandangan kabur Muntah Susah konsentrasi
Effects air pollution on Health carbon monoxide (CO): reacts with hemoglobin in red blood cells & reduces ability of blood to carry oxygen; particulates: long–term exposure contributes to lung disease & cancer, aggravates bronchitis & asthma; sulfur dioxide (SO2): causes constriction of airways & can cause bronchitis;
Effects air pollution on Health nitrogen oxides (especially NO2): irritate lungs, cause conditions similar to bronchitis & emphysema; volatile organics (& toxic particulates): cause mutations, reproductive problems, & cancer; ozone: causes coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, & eye, nose, & throat irritation.
Mengukur dampak polusi udara pada kematian Studi epidemiologis Dose-Response studies (retrospective dan time series harian)
Menghitung nilai ekonomi dari kehilangan nyawa karena polusi udara Kompensasi gaji bagi pekerja yang beresiko tercemari Willingness to pay: berapa besar kesediaan sesorang agar berkurang resiko kematian