Writing and Comparing Decimals I can read, write, and compare decimals to the thousandths place.
Essential Questions 1. What is a decimal? How does the place value of a number affect its value? 2. What is expanded notation? How is it applied using decimals? 3. What is scientific notation? How do I use scientific notation to represent place value? 4. What is place value? How can I use place value to read decimals? 5. What is place value? How can I use place value to compare decimals?
What is a decimal? What does the decimal represent? Think Time... What is a decimal? What does the decimal represent? Share in your groups what your best definition of a decimal is.
Decimals Part of a whole 78.921 Whole number Decimal point Decimals are part of a whole. Whole number Part of a whole 78.921 Decimal point
84.325 Place Value hundredths thousandths tenths tens ones Place value represents the value of a number. It is very important to pay attention to where a number is located to determine the value of that number. hundredths 84.325 thousandths tenths tens ones
What’s the value? 46.982 Place value states the VALUE of the number. What is the value of the 9? What is the value of the 4? What is the value of the 8? What is the value of the 2?
Fifty-seven and nine hundred twenty-three thousandths Write it out!!! 57.923 When writing numbers in word form, you write “and” to represent the decimal point. How would this number be written in word form? Fifty-seven and nine hundred twenty-three thousandths
Slates Out! Write these numbers in word form: 45.029 103.345 219.673
Change it up! If I have the number four hundred two and thirty-five hundredths, how do you write it in number form? 402.35
Seventy-two and two hundred four thousandths Your turn!!! Seventy-two and two hundred four thousandths One hundred sixty-two and five tenths Three hundred and fifty-nine hundredths
Comparing When comparing decimal numbers… LINE up the decimal points FIRST!!! start with the LARGEST PLACE VALUE - the whole numbers and compare, from Left to Right! If they are the same digit, keep moving to the right When you get to digits that are different, STOP and COMPARE Which is larger? 49.013 or 49.031 Which is the smaller number? 130.293 or 130.295
Closure On your slates write your definition of what is a decimal. Order these numbers from least to greatest. 892.019, 801.293, 892.12, 892.109