Mrs. Honea Rules 10th grade contact me: CLASS MATERIALS


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs. Honea Rules 10th grade contact me: CLASS MATERIALS English 10th grade Mrs. Honea 2017-2018 contact me: CLASS MATERIALS Required: Recommended: ☐ 1.5” to 2” 3-ring binder ☐ Glue (sticks are best) ☐ Paper (because we write!) ☐ Stickie note flags (helpful) ☐ Pencils/Pens (DUH!) ☐ Crayons/Colored pencils ☐ 5 pack of binder dividers ☐ Markers ☐ Eraser (no one is perfect!) ☐ Scissors ☐ Post-It notes (for reading!) These supplies will be helpful in all your classes, not just mine! It’s better to be prepared! ☐ Highlighters (important stuff!) ☐ 1 composition notebook 678-796-8173 2400 New Macland Road Powder Springs. GA 30127 Room 109 Class Procedures Grades 1. Respect yourself, your teachers and your classmates. 2. Think before you speak. 3. Raise your hand, don’t just shout out. 4. Make smart choices. 5. No disrespect of any of any kind will take place. We are all one tribe! 1. Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings. (I will make you get a pass!) 2. Write your name on your paper!!!!!!!!! 3. Do not use electronic devices in class without permission. Time to listen to music can be earned! 4. Use restroom during class change (You have 8 minutes between classes!) 5. Keep a tidy (that means clean!) area. 6. Bring all of your supplies to class daily. 7. Complete all of your work and turn it in on time. (This is the easy one!) Expectations 20% 5% 55% 20% 20% Common Assessments Non-common Final Exam Midterm Exam Consequences Grades will be posted in our Synergy Portal, where both students and parents can see the progress of the student. Students and parents may login at any time to check grades. Grades are updated weekly, if not daily. Graded assignments will be returned within the week. Rules 1. Warning: Verbal warning from teacher. 2. Lunch Detention: Sit in detention during lunch. 3. Parent Contact: I call your guardian and have a conversation. 4. Referral to Administration: you will be immediately referred to administration. (Please, don’t make me go this far.)

Mrs. Honea Communication is key! Life Happens! Units of study English 10th Grade Mrs. Honea 2017-2018 Springboard units Independent reading 2016-2017 Springboard is the new resource that will be using this year. Each student will receive their own copy of the textbook. YOU MAY WRITE IN IT. THIS IS AWESOME! Students will leave their textbooks in my classroom. If homework is needed, then a page may be ripped out of the book or you may access the text using Springboard Digital. Springboard Digital Access Codes: H World: BJOKPL World: XFBYHC EL World: WFROYB Springboard is written/created by College Board. It is an incredible resource! Repeat after me, “Reading is not going to be the death of me”….. It really won’t. I promise. You will be expected to pick multiple free choice novels to read throughout the semester. I will provide some of those novels from the wide variety on my bookshelves. You will be asked to find some novels on your own. (The media center, etc.) You will be responsible for completing reading tasks throughout the novel. Units of study Unit 1- Cultural Conversations Unit 2- Cultural Perspectives Unit 3-Cutlures in Conflict Unit 4- Dramatic Justice Unit 5- Building Cultural Bridges Life Happens! Communication is key! This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the teacher, administration or any other factors affecting our learning. I look forward to a wonderful year of reading, writing, discussing and a lot of working! Please feel free to come to me with any concerns at any time. I am here to teach you, but also help you along this crazy journey!

Mrs. Honea Technology/ BYOD FILM Late Work and Retests Absentee Policy English 10th Grade Mrs. Honea 2017-2018 Late Work and Retests Absentee Policy 2016-2017 Late work will be accepted for summative and formative assessments. Each day the work is late will count off a letter grade. Example: Student A turns in summative assessment 3 days after original due date.. The student receives a 70% if everything else on the paper is 100% correct. (JUST DO THE WORK ON TIME!!!!!!!) Homework will be accepted late, as long as a YELLOW SLIP has been completed and turned in on the due date. Points will be deducted for late homework at my discretion. Students can fill out two GREEN SLIP per unit to request an appointment for tutoring and test retakes. YES, WE DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT. * It is the student’s responsibility to check the class blog and/or in the Were You Absent Folder and Bins to find any assignments missed. A student has five days to turn in any work assigned on a day a student was absent. If a quiz was administered on a day a student was absent, the quiz must be made up on the first day the student returns. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due on the first day the student returns. Technology/ BYOD Students will participate in a BYOD classroom. BYOD stands for “bring your own device”. I encourage students to bring their devices to use for academic assignments. Students are expected to abide by all school and district digital safety rules and guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a student being banned from technology while in my classroom. Unless given permission (BYOD sign will be GREEN not RED), all devices are PUT AWAY and on silent/vibrate (out of sight). plagiarism Cheating Plagiarism is taking the ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own. In this class, plagiarism includes... 1. turning in another’s work as one’s own 2. copying work from a friend 3. including a source but failing to cite it 4. copying an author’s exact words and passing them off as one’s own Students caught plagiarizing will be given a ZERO for the assignment. * The teacher will notify administration and contact parents if cheating / plagiarism is suspected. The student will be given a zero for that particular test or assignment. FILM Videos and video clips will be used occasionally during the semester to enhance the understanding of literature. Each of the films will be tied to academic standards. Some videos and video clips have a PG, PG-13 or R rating for violence, language, or sexuality. Students are not required to watch any video that does not adhere to the beliefs or values taught in the home. A different assignment for educational enhancement will be assigned. The assignment will be equal to the length of time utilized for the video or clip. Please contact me via e-mail if you have a concern about your child watching films with these ratings.

English 10th Grade Mrs. Honea 2017-2018 I have read the syllabus for World Literature. I understand the requirements set forth in them and have listed below any questions or concerns I have.   ____________________________________ student name – please print legibly _____________________________________ ______________ student signature date _____________________________________ parent name – please print legibly    parent signature date _____________________________________ ____________________ parent email address phone number 2016-2017 Please sign and return this syllabus to Mrs. Honea by Friday, August 4th.