ELEMENTARY GIFTED & TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM Mrs. Clawson Mrs ELEMENTARY GIFTED & TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM Mrs. Clawson Mrs. Langley This is an opportunity to share general information with you about the G/T Program. If you would like to discuss questions related to individual situations or individual student progress, I would be happy to schedule a conference with you at a later time.
The mission of the Howard County Gifted and Talented Education Program is to recognize and develop talent in advanced-level students. The HCPSS G/T Program has more than a twenty year history of talent development. The original program was modeled on Joseph Renzulli’s Schoolwide Enrichment Model developed in the 1980’s. The program has grown and evolved with the generous support of the school system, the Board of Education, and the community. We now have at least 1.5 gifted education specialist positions in every elementary school in the county. At the secondary level there is one G/T resource teacher and 2 G/T content teachers at every school.
Elementary G/T Education Program Instructional Services G/T Mathematics for 4th & 5th grades G/T Classroom Enrichment G/T Instructional Seminars HCPSS program is very inclusive in philosophy. Approximately 20% of the student population in grades 4 & 5 participate in the G/T Mathematics Program. Approximately 30% of the student population in grades 2-5 participate in the G/T Curriculum Extension Units and G/T Instructional Seminars.
G/T Mathematics Curriculum is enriched & accelerated by as much as two years Focus is on problem solving and application of mathematical skills Daily mathematics instruction by the G/T Resource Teacher (1 hour 15 minutes/day) According to COMAR, an ability testing measure is required for participation in G/T Math Students do not skip any mathematics content, but rather cover 4 years of mathematics objectives in two years at an accelerated pace. The G/T resource teacher provides the student’s entire mathematics instruction on a daily basis. CogAT is the test given in grade 3 for participation in 4th and 5th grade math, and in 5th grade for participation in middle school classes. Beyond the eligibility range for participation, placement is based on achievement test scores (MAP, PARCC) and student performance. Although G/T Math is not offered until 4th grade, grades 1- 3 offer accelerated mathematics one year above grade level. (ex. - 3rd grade students working on 4th grade objectives) Students who successfully complete G/T Math in grades 4 & 5 are eligible for G/T Math in middle school - 6th grade Prealgebra G/T and 7th grade Algebra I/Data Analysis G/T. Students can complete courses offerings through Differential Equations in high school. (You may want to provide a handout or show an overhead of the secondary mathematics flowchart.)
G/T Mathematics Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards Extension of the Common Core curriculum to meet the needs of students for when they enter Algebra 1 in 7th grade No spiraling curriculum from year to year; it is a mastery curriculum. Therefore, there is increased depth and complexity Emphasis on advanced level problem solving and project based learning Homework will involve both practice of concepts and problem solving Students are assessed using math assessments, performance tasks, and class participation Students do not skip any mathematics objectives, but rather cover 4 years of mathematics objectives in two years at an accelerated pace. The G/T resource teacher provides the student’s entire mathematics instruction on a daily basis. Testing involves a combination of mathematics achievement (MSA) and ability(SCAT) measures to determine an eligibility score. We also have a placement review process that allows us to look beyond test scores to daily performance. Although G/T Math is not offered until 4th grade, grades 1- 3 offer accelerated mathematics one year above grade level. (ex. - 3rd grade students working on 4th grade objectives) Students who successfully complete G/T Math in grades 4 & 5 are eligible for G/T Math in middle school - 6th grade Prealgebra G/T and 7th grade Algebra I/Data Analysis G/T. Students can complete courses offerings through Differential Equations in high school. (You may want to provide a handout or show an overhead of the secondary mathematics flowchart.)
G/T Volunteer Opportunities Parent Academy Two parents needed About 5 meetings per year Learn about advanced-level offerings that are available through the Gifted and Talented Program and give your feedback Classroom Volunteers
For additional information: Schedule a conference with the G/T Resource Teacher at your school. For district information, consult HCPSS G/T brochure & website. www.hcpss.org/gtp For national information on gifted education, consult the NAGC website. www.nagc.org Invite participants to review the G/T brochures, website, NAGC information, or even schedule a follow-up conference to discuss individual questions.