Volunteering Within Monday, November 2nd, 2015
Hospital Opportunities Shadowing for the health professions Mayo: Contact Renee Foster at Foster.Renee@mayo.edu for more information Gundersen: Karla Korish at (608) 775-3294 or kakorish@gundersenhealth.org for more information
Village on Cass Games (wii bowling, cards, and bingo) with the elderly Weekly volunteering Sundays: 1-3 Thursdays: 3/3:30-4 pohlman.janet@mayo.edu
YMCA http://www.laxymca.org/files/9714/3584/4135/Volunteer_Oppo rtunities_2015-2016.pdf Youth Sports Volunteers Teach and instruct children in a variety of sports including flag football, soccer, kickball, baseball, basketball, and more Miracle League Buddies Pre-School Classes Assist pre-school instructors in crafts, cooking, and gym classes
YMCA Festival Foods Turkey Trot Thursday, November 26th @ 8:00 am Registration, Course set up, etc. Contact: Shawn McClone at smcclone@laxymca.org or (608)519-5483
Children’s Museum Help the Girl Scouts! Night Out at the Museum Hollywood party 1:00-4:00 Sunday, November 4th Sunday, November 15th Night Out at the Museum Friday, November 6th and 20th 5:15-8:00 Play, discover, and learn with kids
REC Turkey Trot FREE T-SHIRT!! Friday, November 20th 2 hours Packet pickup Saturday, November 21st 6 am-1 pm Course marshall, water station, course setup Fill out volunteer form: https://uwlacrosse.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3ZOVOwm6mlVHZ WZ
La Crosse Public Library 2 hours/week Verifying of items--detail work Providing assistance during Children's/Teen summer reading programs Assisting with craft projects Staffing phone during our volunteer-run tax programs Working special events such as Give-a-Gift, Love My Library, Nightmare on Kane Street and others Helping with inside/outside maintenance work Contact: mpaulson@lacrosselibrary.org http://lacrosselibrary.org/content/volunteer-application