Rotaract & Interact
What is Interact? Service Club for young men & women between 12-18 years old that follows a similar model of our Rotary Clubs Individual Rotary Clubs sponsor clubs and offer guidance and support, thus becoming “partners in service” and are key members of the family of Rotary
Rotaract Aim To Be Exceptional
What is Rotaract? Service Club for young men & women between 18-30 years old that follows a similar model of our Rotary Clubs Membership totals over 184,000 in more than 8,000 clubs worldwide It is a self-governing and self-supporting club that is typically tied or hosted by a Rotary Club They can be university or community based Individual Rotary Clubs sponsor clubs and offer guidance and support, thus becoming “partners in service” and are key members of the family of Rotary
University Rotaract in District 7570 Virginia Tech JMU Ferrum Liberty King College Northeast Tennesse Virginia Highlands CC Roanoke College Shenandoah VMI Washington & Lee Averett Bluefield College
Community Based Rotaract in District 7570 Dan River Regional Riverview Youth Build
How Do You Get a Club Started? Do your research is your club prepared for the responsibilities of being a sponsor club? Identify Potential Rotaractors Current & former Rotary Youth Exchange Students, Interactors, RYLA participants and Rotary Foundation alumni Sons & daughters or other family members of your membership Employees & interns who work with Rotarians Participants in young adult progarms at community centers, places of worship, health clubs, etc. As the Faculty member who had volunteered to be the faculty advisor for suggestions
How Do You Get a Club Started? Invite prospective members to an informational meeting Rotaract Committee members from your club Your sponsor Rotary Club President District Rotaract Chair and District Rotaract Representative Faculty Advisor/Club Advisor Rotaractors from nearby clubs who can share their experiences and answer question
Rotaractors’ Role Learn university protocols for starting a new club and follow those protocols Hold organizational meetings Complete organizational paperwork Plan an inaugural cermony once they receive their charter from RI
What does your club need to do to help the Rotaract Club Succeed? Be sure to involve them in your club projects Invite them to your meetings Help them with their projects when possible Off occasional financial support to their projects Remember they are part of the Family of Rotary Offer moral support and advise with projects when asked
What do you get out of it? New energy and enthusiasm for projects Potential new members Help with your community projects Fellowship and friendship with Rotaractors Parternships with a variety of projects (both yours and theirs)
To contact me: Lora Gordon 540-731-4556 Questions? To contact me: Lora Gordon 540-731-4556