Towards a Regulatory Framework for Climate Change Briefing to Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs May 2017
Purpose To give effect to certain elements of the National Climate Change Response policy and; Basis for achieving South Africa’s international climate change commitments
The process thus far Engagements internally in DEA to agree on approach and form of the regulatory framework Draft discussion document presenting the expected objectives and outcomes of a legal instrument; discussed with MINTEC Working Groups First draft setting out content of a climate change response legal framework Currently engaging MINTEC Working Groups and sector departments to solicit sector specific requirements A broader MINTECH workshop scheduled for 01 March for further engagement on the regulatory framework, on both content and form.
Objectives To provide for the co-ordinated and integrated management of the impacts of climate change by all spheres of government in accordance with the principles of co-operative governance Effectively manage inevitable climate change impacts through interventions that build and sustain SA’s social, economic and environmental resilience and emergency response capacity Make a fair contribution to the global effort to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that avoids dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system within a timeframe that enables economic, social and environmental development to proceed in a sustainable manner
Timeframes By end of March 2017: stakeholder consultation on discussion document outlining content for climate change response legal framework By end of March 2018: climate change response legal framework gazetted for public comment