Procedure to generate Order 1.Visit wellness.thyrocare.com and sign in using Unique Username and Password. 2.Click on-> Book test> Test/Profiles. 3.Click on the special offers ( Pro-Aarogyam, Wellness MABC, Special Packages for Men and Women ) and add the same to the cart. 4.Click on the cart to add the test 5.Click on the place order. 6.Booking page is displayed wherein you can fill the complete NAPME ( Name, address, Pincode, Mobile no. Email-id) 7.Once the details are filled, cart details are mentioned below wherein the transactions are mentioned along with the dsa margins and amount payable to the customer.
Then you can proceed with the payment to be done Then you can proceed with the payment to be done . Click on postpaid :- Customer will pay at the time of sample collection. Orders will be generated through dsa login in our system and further execution of the orders will be taken care by Thyrocare.
Procedure to generate orders for Multiple Beneficiaries 1.Click on-> Book test> Test/Profiles. 2. Click on the special offers ( Pro-Aarogyam, Wellness MABC , Special Packages for Men and Women ) and add the same to the cart. 3. Click on the cart to add the test 4. Click on the place order 5. Booking page is displayed wherein you can select nos of Beneficiaries.(As shown below)
Emailer Generation You can create your own Emailers from your own DSA login for promoting Pro Aarogyam and Wellness MABC Offers. Emailer activity :- 1. You can generate the Emailers from the DSA login from the option called as "Generate Emailers" Option available in "My Account". 2. You can click on Radio Button for which profile you wish to generate emailer URL gets generated & then you can download the Emailers . 3. Same Emailers can be used to send to your clients. Client when clicks on the Emailers can fill the details of the members & submit. 4. Order will be generated and you will get a sms alert that your Emailers has been used for booking . 5. This is the way how Emailer activity is carried out and even you can display the Emailers on the web portal so that customers can book the test online or can call you directly for the booking. 6. Generated Emailers can be used for doing online promotions as same can be displayed on your web portal.
Offers For DSA:- Pro Aarogyam Profiles Wellness MABC Profiles Special Package for Men (Includes Radiology Tests) Special Package for Women (Includes Radiology Tests) Water Testing from Whaters includes below tests. a) PCEM b) PCEMP c) PCEMPV
Procedure to Book for Whaters. 1. Click on-> My Account > Whaters Booking 2. Booking page is displayed wherein you can fill the complete NAPME ( Name, address, Pincode, Mobile no. Email-id) 3. Select Profile from option Profile required and click on Submit to generate Order. 4. Execution of sample collection and reporting will be taken care by Thyrocare Whaters Team. Contd.....
Order Execution 1.Once the Order is booked ,it will be executed by the Thyrocare. 2. Order will be assigned to the nearest service provider of the customer location and appointment will be scheduled after coordinating with the customer and service provider. 3.Soft copy of the reports will be delivered to the customers email-id which is mentioned in the lead after 24-48 hrs after sample collection and hard copy will be couriered to the customers location within 3-5 working days.
Help Lines for DSAs. Connect to us Associate with the World's Largest Preventive Care Laboratory Now! * Send a mail to dsa@thyrocare.com for any queries * SMS / Whatsapp:- DSA to 8422 995 445 * Call 022- 3090 3090 / 41 25 25 25 / 2762 2762
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