El Dorado High School Hazard Communication Your “Right to Know”
Agenda Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) Fire Diamond Safety Symbols
Material Safety Data Sheets Hazard Communication Material Safety Data Sheets
Hazard Communication Material Safety Data Sheets Company Information Hazardous Ingredients Physical Data Fire and Explosion Data Health Hazard Data Reactivity Data Spill & Leak Procedures Special Protection Information Special Precautions
Material Safety Data Sheets: Your Rights 1. Your school and even an employer must have MSDS information available for every hazardous substance you use as part of your job.
Material Safety Data Sheets: Your Rights 2. These MSDS sheets must be available to you the entire time you are in the laboratory or workplace.
Material Safety Data Sheets: Your Rights 3. If you request to see a copy of an MSDS for a product you use, and your employer cannot provide it after one working day, you may refuse to use that product or work in an area where it is being used.
Material Safety Data Sheets: Your Rights 4. At the workplace, if you request your own personal copy of an MSDS, your employer has 15 days to provide it.
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Diamonds Hazard Communication NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Diamonds
Labeling and Marking Systems NFPA Diamonds Color coded, numerical rating system Will be located near main entrances, fire alarm panels, or on outside entrance doors Provide at-a-glance hazard information
Labeling and Marking Systems NFPA Diamonds Blue = Health Red = Flammability Yellow = Reactivity White = Special hazard information
Labeling and Marking Systems NFPA Diamonds 4= Deadly Hazard 3= Serious Hazard 2= Moderate Hazard 1= Slight Hazard 0= Minimal Hazard
Flammability 1 2 3 4 Example: water Example: corn oil There is no fire hazard. Example: water 1 Material must be pre-heated before ignition can occur. Example: corn oil 2 Material must be heated for ignition. Example: diesel fuel oil 3 A flammable liquid or solid which can be readily ignited. Example: gasoline 4 A flammable vapor or gas which burns readily. Example: propane gas
Health Hazard 1 2 3 4 Example: peanut oil Example: turpentine There is no health hazard. Example: peanut oil 1 The substance could cause irritation. Example: turpentine 2 The substance could cause temporary incapacitation. Example: ammonia gas 3 The substance could cause serious temporary or irreversible injury. Example: chlorine gas 4 Material that on very short exposure could cause death or major residual injury. Example: hydrogen cyanide
REACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 Example: liquid nitrogen Material that in itself is normally stable,. Example: liquid nitrogen 1 The substance may become unstable at high temperatures. Example: phosphorus (red or white) 2 The substance is readily capable of non-explosive reaction. Example: calcium metal 3 The substance may detonate when exposed to heat or an ignition source. Example: fluorine gas 4 The substance is readily capable of detonation or explosive reaction. Example: trinitrotoluene (TNT)
Unusual reactivity with water Special Hazards Oxidizing Material Acid Alkaline or Base Corrosive OX ACID ALK COR Unusual reactivity with water Radioactive
Labeling and Marking Systems HMIS Labels You should never have any unattended, unlabeled containers in your workplace!
Labeling and Marking Systems Uniform Laboratory Signage Located on laboratory and chemical storage area doors Pictographs depict worst hazards present in lab or area
Lab Safety Symbols Found in your textbook Glassware Heat Eye and Face Sharps Electrical Animal Chemical Fire 19
Other Chemical Hazards and Symbols Flammable Explosive Toxic/Poison Irritant Corrosive Environmental 20
Chemical Hazard Symbols and Definitions Flammable – Any substance that will burn if exposed to an open flame. Explosive – A substance that may explode if exposed to heat or flame. 21
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
What’s Wrong With These Statements? Hal says that his teacher is solely responsible for preventing laboratory accidents. Keshia started the lab activity before reading it through completely. Ricardo decided to do a lab activity that he read about in a library book before the teacher came into the classroom. Stephanie says that the safety goggles mess up her hair and give her raccoon eyes. She refuses to wear them. Barbie and Ken accidentally break a beaker full of some chemical. Instead of risking getting in trouble they quickly clean up the mess with paper towel and throw it in the garbage.