Hazard symbols Produced by Neil Liggett. An explanation – Source of info. HSE.
Poisonous Poisonous Self explanatory. Whereas most chemicals are fairly dangerous if ingested or inhaled, many of these are dangerous even on contact.
Environmental hazard Environmental hazard Relatively rare with laboratory chemicals (most of which pose some environmental hazard if not got rid of correctly), these require particular care to be taken on disposal.
corrosive Corrosive Avoid contact with the skin. Bear in mind that these can (under some circumstances) corrode chemical cupboards.
Explosive Explosive Again, fairly self-explanatory, though fairly seldom seen in the average lab. Bear in mind that noise and movement can also trigger explosion (not just sparks/flames!).
Flammable Flammable or extremely flammable Chemicals to be stored in flame-resistant cupboards. Volatile solvents can be a particular problem as they are prone to spread around from unsealed containers. This also covers pyrophoric materials (that catch fire spontaneously on exposure to air).
Irritant or Harmful Irritant or Harmful This symbol covers a wide range of (sometimes relatively minor) hazards - with precautions such as avoid contact with the skin, do not breathe, etc. - best to refer to relevant data sheet for details.
Oxidising chemical Oxidising chemical Oxidising chemicals are materials that spontaneously evolve oxygen at room temperature or with slight heating, or that promote combustion. To be kept away from flammable chemicals at all costs!