Marr college – Curriculum for excellence – March 2013 STEM EDUCATION @ Marr college Stuart McNeill – Principal Teacher of Raising Attainment & STEM Coordinator Marr college – Curriculum for excellence – March 2013
Aims of session (a.k.a “Learning Intentions!”) @ Marr college STEM EDUCATION Aims of session (a.k.a “Learning Intentions!”) What is STEM? Learn in a way that your child may experience when they come to Marr College. ‘Teaching’ isn’t lecturing! STEM/Marr interactive quiz… (Trial run!) In your smartphone browser visit: Enter room number: x
@ Marr college STEM EDUCATION What do we do at Marr? STEM based challenge days are common in S1 and S2. In the past year we have participated in: Glasgow Science Centre Roadshow. Survival Challenge Day at Glasgow Academy. STEM Careers day. Enterprise Challenge. Engineers in school. Liaison with feeder primary schools to develop STEM skills for our S1 students to better prepare them for secondary curriculum. Collaborative links between subject areas are becoming more frequent, this allows students to apply their new knowledge in more ‘real life’ type situations and shows them the value of what they are learning. ‘Marr Rocks’ – Just one example.