Draft data model for MSFD reporting


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Presentation transcript:

Draft data model for MSFD reporting Irene del Barrio (EEA) November 15, 2016 RSCs + EEA & EC Coordination meeting Draft data model for MSFD reporting and indicators

Background 2017 2018 2019 RSC assessments MSFD art.8, 9 & 10 Art.8 MSFD: assessments carried out by the RSC have to be taken into account RSC assessments MSFD art.8, 9 & 10 MSFD art.20 2017 2018 2019

Preparation of MSFD 2018 reporting General approach: paper to be presented in DIKE (7 Dec) under development CONCEPT PACKAGE Indicator- based Integration rules Reporting units XML Text reports/ Indicator assessm Supporting data

Draft data-model for MSFD 2018 reporting

E.g. OSPAR country reporting for D10 Indicators reporting Only core info to be reported (+ URI) Example using regional + national indicators E.g. OSPAR country reporting for D10 Regional indicators: - Beach litter - Litter on the seafloor - Fulmar litter ingestion National indicator: - Microplastics… Prefilled?

Indicators inventory

Indicators and thresholds PARAMETERS Element Threshold Unit Expected ParameterMetric ValueDescription Baseline AssessmentUnit Nutritional status of seals Blubber thickness of juvenile (1-3 years) Grey seal 26 mm > Fall/winter mean Absolute value BAL Blubber thickness of adult male (4-20 years) 36 Blubber thickness of adult female (4-20 years) 37 Ringed seal Blubber thickness of adult (4-20 years) 51 Prevalence of intestinal ulcers in juvenile (1-3 years) 2 % < Annual mean Prevalence of intestinal ulcers in adult (4-20 years) 5 Population trends and abundance of seals Growth rate of the population 10 Harbour seal 12 Reproductive status of marine mammals Pregnancy rate 80 70 Abundance of coastal fish key functional groups Catch per unit effort from annual averages (CPUE) Piscivores Median Relative value 1998 – 2008 Cyprinids 95 Nitrogen/DIN DIN concentration DIN 5.5 umol l-1 Winter mean BALK 3.3 BALS Abundance of salmon spawners and smolt Smolt production capacity Salmo salar Probability 75% of PSPC

Assessment/Reporting units OSPAR and HELCOM examples

Reporting units proposal Paper to be presented in DIKE about the State of the Art Objective: to agree on a common layer of reporting units prior the reporting Suggested approach, based on the following levels:   1) MSFD Regions (Baltic Sea, North-east Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea) 2) MSFD Subregions/subdivisions 3) Further division into: - Coastal waters per WFD river basin district - Territorial waters (excl. coastal waters) per WFD river basin district - Beyond territorial waters per MSFD region/subregion/subdivision 4) Coastal water-bodies (as reported under WFD)