OBJECTIVES Describe types of chemical warfare agents stored in your vicinity Describe what nerve and blister agents are and what they look like CA8
CHEMICAL STOCKPILE Comprised of chemicals designed and produced for the sole purpose of warfare Nerve agents and blister agents Edgewood Chemical Activity, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD CA9
CHEMICAL STOCKPILE LOCATIONS CSEPP CHEMICAL STOCKPILE LOCATIONS Umatilla Chemical Depot (UMCD) Hermiston, OR Newport Chemical Depot (NECD) Newport, IN WA IL Edgewood Chemical Activity (ECA) Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) Tooele, UT Blue Grass Chemical Activity (BGCA) Richmond, KY Pueblo Chemical Depot (PUCD) Pueblo, CO Pine Bluff Chemical Activity (PBCA) Pine Bluff, AR Anniston Chemical Activity (ANCA) Anniston, AL Storage Facilities States with Storage Facilities Impacted States CA10
U.S. STOCKPILE INVENTORY AS OF AUGUST 1999 Blue Grass 2.0% Deseret 39.4% Anniston 8.4% Umatilla 13.9% Edgewood 6.0% Johnston Atoll 1.3% Pueblo 9.8% Newport 4.8% Pine Bluff 14.4% CA12
US STOCKPILE INVENTORY Deseret Chemical Depot stockpile incineration began August 1996 Approximately 22.7% of stockpile stored at Deseret successfully destroyed (as of August 1999) Deseret Chemical Depot, Tooele, UT CA13
STORAGE FACILITIES Chemical agents are stored in concrete igloos metal storage buildings outdoor storage yards In restricted access areas Entire area surrounded by security fences and equipped with appropriate security devices Blue Grass Chemical Activity, Richmond, KY CA15
IGLOOS Chemical munitions containing explosives must be stored in concrete structures called “igloos” Igloos have 2 ft of earth covering all sides except a front wall of reinforced concrete Earth cover designed to reduce spread of fragments and fire in unlikely event of an accident within igloo Umatilla Chemical Depot, Hermiston, OR CA16
EXCEPTION OF EXPLOSIVE STORAGE Deseret Chemical Depot stores aerial spray tanks in metal structures These spray tanks have small amounts of explosive devices stored in a container attached to outside of metal shipping and storage container CA17
METAL STORAGE BUILDINGS Bulk containers of agent without explosives stored in metal storage buildings Bulk containers of VX stored in metal storage buildings at Newport Chemical Depot Bulk containers of HD stored in metal storage buildings at Umatilla Chemical Depot Newport Chemical Depot, Newport, IN CA18
OUTDOOR STORAGE YARDS Bulk containers of blister agents may be stored in outdoor storage yards surrounded by a security fence Bulk H and HD blister agent stored outside at: Pine Bluff Chemical Depot Edgewood Chemical Activity Deseret Chemical Depot Deseret Chemical Depot also has Lewisite stored outside Edgewood Chemical Activity, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD CA19
GA GB VX NERVE AGENTS Attack body’s nervous system Scientific classification: Organophosphate organophosphates also include agricultural insecticides malathion and parathion CA22
SPECIFIC NAMES Symbol Common name Referred to as VX VX VX GB Sarin GB or G-agent GA* Tabun GA or G-agent *Small amount stored at Deseret Chemical Depot CA23
NERVE AGENT PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Usually liquid in normal state Becomes volatile and generates vapors if heated Potential for release if in vapor or aerosol form All nerve agents currently in liquid form Most distinguishable factors are physical consistency and color CA24
VX Oily liquid; resembles light weight oil Usually a pale amber color (colorless in pure form) Odorless Tasteless Persistent; designed to cling to whatever it splatters on persistence is weather-dependent CA25
G-AGENTS GB is usually colorless, watery in pure form GA may be pale to dark amber GB has almost no odor GB is tasteless GB volatilizes at lower temperature than VX GB evaporates more rapidly than VX but less than water CA26
BLISTER AGENTS (VESICANTS) H HD HT L BLISTER AGENTS (VESICANTS) Poisons that destroy individual cells Blisters most noticeable effect from exposure Includes sulfur mustard and Lewisite CA27
SPECIFIC NAMES Symbol Common name Referred to as H, HD, HT Sulfur mustard H, HD, HT L* Lewisite Lewisite *Small amount stored at Deseret Chemical Depot CA28
SULFUR MUSTARD PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Mustard-garlic-like smell Liquid or solid form in normal state Becomes volatile and generates vapors if heated burns well once ignited Pale amber brown color in liquid form Colorless gas when vaporized Laboratory bottle of sulfur mustard CA29
LEWISITE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Amber to brown liquid colorless when pure About 10 times more volatile than sulfur mustard Irritating, fruity or geranium-like odor little odor when pure Persistent More dangerous as liquid than as vapor CA30