Centre Profile Report Fiona Maclean, Operations Manager
Background Centre profile report introduced session 2009/10 to support data quality Issued quarterly, shows the current quarter and previous four Benchmarks against college sector Redesigned version issued in May 2017
QA Criteria 6.1 Candidates personal data submitted by centres to SQA must accurately reflect the current status of the candidate 6.2 Data on candidate entries submitted by centres to SQA must accurately reflect the current status of the candidate and the qualification 6.3 Data on candidate results submitted by centres to SQA must accurately reflect the current status of the candidate and qualification
Session 1 Topics Registrations Created and updated Created and updated with college address Created and updated by other college Open entries Candidate with open entries at other centre
Session 1 Discussion Points What circumstances would cause colleges to use the college address or another college address? What are the possible implications for college and/or SQA? Is action taken for candidates with open entries at another centre? Can you identify any areas of process enhancement at your college or share examples of good practice?
Session 2 Topics Entries Entries processed Entries processed with prior completion date Entries processed past lapse date Entries processed past finish date Outstanding entries Total outstanding Outstanding by age (3months, 12 months etc.)
Session 2 Discussion Points What reasons would your college use retrospective completion dates when entering candidates? Do you take any action against outstanding entries? If so what time period. How do you ensure entries are submitted prior to lapsing/finishing date? Can you identify any areas of process enhancement at your college or share examples of good practice?
Session 3 Topics Results Resulted on same day Resulted within 10 weeks Resulted entries by status (ESC 3 – 5) Withdrawn Resulted with prior completion date
Session 3 Discussion Points What reasons would your college enter and result on the same day? What are the possible implications for college and/or SQA? Do you take any action against entries by status or withdrawn entries? Can you identify any areas of process enhancement at your college or share examples of good practice?
Session 4 Discussion Points Do you find the benchmarking tool useful? How would you rate each of the items on the centre profile report in terms of usefulness, 1 being lowest, 10 highest. Is there additional information you would like to see on the report or information you would like removed? If you have had a systems verification visit how useful was the centre profile report before/during the visit?