All about me Brady Craig
Family I have 6 people in my house including me. I have 2 brothers and a sister. My brothers names are Brice, and Colby. Brice is 10, and Colby is 6. My sisters name is Abbey. She is 10. My dads name is Chris. My moms name is Rhonda.
Hobby’s I love playing sports! My favorite sport is soccer. I also play basketball and baseball. My favorite soccer player is Christiano Ronaldo. My favorite team is Bayern Munich. My favorite national team is Germany.
Favorites I love Soccer! I also love food. My favorite types of food are pizza, nachos. My favorite types of desserts are birthday cake ice cream, and brownies. My favorite brand is Addias!
School My favorite subject is Social Studies. I make All A’s. I all play soccer for the soccer middle school. I hate language arts! I also love P.E.
Career When I grow up I won’t to be a soccer player! But that’s not going to happen. So I am going to school to be a lawyer. I love arguing with people. My Second choice is a doctor.
Quiz 1. How many brothers and sisters do I have? 3 2. What is my favorite sport? Soccer 3. What do I want to be when I get older? Lawyer