October 25: Journal #1 Art? Yes or no? What is happening here?
October 25: Vocabulary Energizer #1 Quixotic (adj.) Definition: idealistic but not practical Example: Critics of summit conferences think it quixotic that brief meetings of world leaders can bring about lasting peace. Synonyms: romantic, visionary, fanciful, chimerical
October 26: Journal #2 A song that inspires me… It inspires me because…
October 26: Vocabulary Energizer #2 Herculean (adj.) Definition: tremendous in size, strength, difficulty, or effort Example: Herculean tasks are those which seem almost impossible, such as establishing peace among nations and distributing the world’s wealth more equitably so that no one goes hungry. Synonyms: mighty, powerful, massive, immense, colossal
October 29: Journal #3 It is my lifelong dream to…
October 29: Vocabulary Energizer #3 Bowdlerize (v) Definition: remove or change parts considered vulgar or immoral Example: When we read a bowdlerized work, we risk being deprived not only of pleasure but also of literary and historical truth. Synonyms: delete, censor, expurgate
October 30 : Journal #4 What it means to be invincible… Someone I know who is invincible…
October 30th : Vocabulary Energizer #4 Pandemonium (n) Definition: utter confusion or wild uproar Example: Teachers experience pandemonium when they confront a wild and unruly class, a chaotic situation created by the noisy chatter of “little devils.” Synonyms: disorder, chaos, noisy confusion, tumult
November 1st : Journal #5 I admire those who fight for what they believe in because… Someone in history who fought for what they believed…
November 1st : Vocabulary Energizer #5 Cynical (adj) Definition: doubting the goodness and sincerity of human motives Example: According to Victorian playwright Oscar Wilde, a cynic is a “man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.” Synonyms: distrustful, sneering, derisive
November 2nd: Journal #6 I believe a hero is someone who…
November 2nd: Vocabulary Energizer #6: Stoical (adj.) Definition: indifferent to pain and pleasure Example: A stoical person shows great self-control, whether confronting pain, pleasure, joy, or grief. Synonyms: self-controlled, imperturbable
November 5th : Journal #7 My definition of a legend is… An example of a legend is King Arthur. What I know about King Arthur… Another example of a legend is…
November 5th : Vocabulary Energizer #7 Stigma (n) Definition: mark of disgrace Example: Even after the Civil War, former slaves were stigmatized by much of white society, that is, “marked with disgrace.” Synonyms: stain, taint
November 6th : Vocabulary Energizer #8 Expedite (v) Definition: speed up; hasten or help the accomplishment of Example: If we know a college president, he may expedite our acceptance to his institution. Synonyms: accelerate, quicken, facilitate
November 8th : Journal #8 The antagonist in a story is usually a ruthless person, which means: to be without pity. A character that I can think of from a story or a movie who is ruthless…because…
November 8th : Vocabulary Energizer #9 Boycott (v) Definition: refuse to deal with as a means of protest and persuasion Example: When a Black passenger named Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955 for breaking the city law requiring Blacks to sit or stand in the back of buses, Martin Luther King, Jr., organized a bus boycott. Synonyms: reject, ban, exclude, ostrasize
November 13th : Vocabulary Energizer #10 Docile (adj.) Definition: easily managed, controlled, or taught; gentle; submissive Example: The usually docile member surprised the committee by fiercely attacking the proposal. Synonyms: obedient, manageable, amenable
November 13th : Journal #10 Based on the characteristics in the textbook, is King Arthur a hero? Use details from the story and to support your answer.