Performance Measure Exploration Preparing for the 2018 RTP INRO Model City Portland Conference September 20, 2016
MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Establishes a set of performance measures for State DOTs and MPOs to assess the performance of the NHS assess freight movement on the Interstate System assess traffic congestion and on-road mobile source emissions
Overview Current Metro Performance Measures Peak Spreading New Summaries & Visualizations Exploring Congestion Measures
Summary – Regional Transportation Plan Base Year, No Build, Financially Constrained, Strategic, Climate Smart System performance measures Region-wide (4-county) Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) Both matrix and assignment outputs
Comparing to Targets Target - Triple walking, biking and transit mode shares
Comparing to Targets Reduce VMT per capita by 10% Daily – Matrix-based calculation for internal trips (no trucks or externals)
Comparing to Targets Reduce VHD per capita by 10% Delay based on assignments – selected time periods only
Comparing to Targets Reduce VHD per truck trip by 10%
2014 RTP Comparing auto and transit travel times for pm2 and md1
Peak Trip Spreading Measures were produced for PM2 or MD1 time periods PM2 oversaturated conditions Peak spreading better captures shoulder hour impacts of excess demand Developed process to compare Origin-Destination travel times in peak with free flow times to determine a travel time index (TTI)
Peak Trip Spreading If TTI > 1.6 (most congested corridor of today), shift some of the demand between those Os & Ds to shoulders Matrix-based spreading – assignments will still have V/Cs > 1.0 but will be more realistic Process is carried out for entire 24 hours, creating 24 1-hour trip tables
Peak Trip Spreading
Peak Trip Spreading Percentage of overall trips moved to shoulders is not much
VMT by hour
Congestion Thresholds Currently using volume-to-capacity ratio-based measures, assuming level of service “E” If V/C > .9, roadway is considered congested Interim Mobility Policy V/C-based, but standards differ by location, facility and time of day FHWA is proposing a speed-based measure 35mph freeways / 15 mph arterials Maximum throughput speed 60%-70% of free flow speed
VMT by hour
VMT by hour
Congested VMT
Congested VMT
Congested VMT Comparing tables can get a bit daunting. This is looking at link-based VMT summarized by different time periods using different definitions of congestion.
Hours of Congestion
Hours of Congestion
Hours of Congestion
Hours of Congestion
Hours of Congestion Peak spreading occurs, but if trips continue to be pushed into shoulders, areas will be congested for more and more hours of the day. This has huge impacts on the freight community, so we are trying to monitor that as well.
Daily Trucks – MPA Path-based assignments
VHD on the MPA Freight Network Extra attribute with freight network flag – add together results from the subsets of hours – tracking auto and trucks separately.
VHD on the MPA Freight Network
VHD on the MPA Freight Network
VHD on the MPA Freight Network
Summary Lots of different performance measures out there Focus seems to be on congestion Definition of congestion really matters Push to move away from V/C-based measures Don’t want to forget impact of other modes Would appreciate seeing measures from other agencies
Questions? Questions? Still considering best ways to convey the results – still waiting to hear outcome of Federal Rule Making.