Chapter 12 Biography
Criteria for Juvenile Biography The criteria for evaluating children’s biographies differs from the criteria for children’s fiction and adult biographies. Children read biography in the same way they read fiction – for the plot. Authors want readers to experience biographical subjects as a living human beings.
Choice of Subject Broad range of subjects: Artists Historical figures, from soldiers to presidents Figures of a pluralistic society Sports and entertainment stars People who performed misdeeds Less well-known figures whose accomplishments are highly specialized
Accuracy and Authenticity Accuracy is the hallmark of good biographical writing. An accurate biography acknowledges primary sources. Some research may not be included in the actual biography, but it is reflected in the character depicted. When it comes to accurate illustrations, the portrayal of subject who lived before photographs can be problematic.
Accuracy and Authenticity (cont.) Authentic biography is true in every detail. Fictionalized biography is true to factual record. Invented dialogue/background must be plausible. Biography strives to better relate the real achievements of a person’s life. Children have the right to read honest, objective biographies.
Style The author’s language is important because it bears the burden of making the subject seem alive and sound real. Quotes should be woven smoothly into the narrative. Invented dialogue should have natural rhythms of speech. The narrator’s tone is important. The choice of narrator or point of view should be carefully thought out.
Characterization Characterization should be true to life, neither adulatory nor demeaning in tone. Readers should have the opportunity to experience the subject as a real human being. Compare two or more biographies in order to examine characterization.
Theme Theme is subject to an author’s interpretation. Readers should be aware of author bias and realize that the story’s point of view is determined by the writer. Theme may be identified in a book’s title. Illustrations can reveal theme. There’s a danger in oversimplifying and forcing facts to fit a single mode.