Estimation of the spectral density function
The spectral density function, f(l) The spectral density function, f(x), is a symmetric function defined on the interval [-p,p] satisfying and The spectral density function, f(x), can be calculated from the autocovariance function and vice versa.
Some complex number results: Use
Expectations of Linear and Quadratic forms of a weakly stationary Time Series
Expectations, Variances and Covariances of Linear forms
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. Then and where and Sr = {1,2, ..., T-r}, if r ≥ 0, Sr = {1- r, 2 - r, ..., T} if r ≤ 0.
Also since Q.E.D.
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. and
Expectations, Variances and Covariances of Linear forms Summary
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. Then and where and Sr = {1,2, ..., T-r}, if r ≥ 0, Sr = {1- r, 2 - r, ..., T} if r ≤ 0.
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. Let and Then where and
Then where and Also Sr = {1,2, ..., T-r}, if r ≥ 0, Sr = {1- r, 2 - r, ..., T} if r ≤ 0.
Expectations, Variances and Covariances of Quadratic forms
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. Then
and Sr = {1,2, ..., T-r}, if r ≥ 0, Sr = {1- r, 2 - r, ..., T} if r ≤ 0, k(h,r,s) = the fourth order cumulant = E[(xt - m)(xt+h - m)(xt+r - m)(xt+s - m)] - [s(h)s(r-s)+s(r)s(h-s)+s(s)s(h-r)] Note k(h,r,s) = 0 if {xt:t T}is Normal.
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. Then
where and
Examples The sample mean
Thus and
and where
Thus Compare with
Basic Property of the Fejer kernel: If g(•) is a continuous function then : Thus
The sample autocovariance function The sample autocovariance function is defined by:
or if m is known where
or if m is known where
Theorem Assume m is known and the time series is normal, then: E(Cx(h))= s(h),
Proof Assume m is known and the the time series is normal, then: and
and Finally
Expectations, Variances and Covariances of Linear forms Summary
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. Then and where and Sr = {1,2, ..., T-r}, if r ≥ 0, Sr = {1- r, 2 - r, ..., T} if r ≤ 0.
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. Let and Then where and
Expectations, Variances and Covariances of Quadratic forms
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. Then
and Sr = {1,2, ..., T-r}, if r ≥ 0, Sr = {1- r, 2 - r, ..., T} if r ≤ 0, k(h,r,s) = the fourth order cumulant = E[(xt - m)(xt+h - m)(xt+r - m)(xt+s - m)] - [s(h)s(r-s)+s(r)s(h-s)+s(s)s(h-r)] Note k(h,r,s) = 0 if {xt:t T}is Normal.
Theorem Let {xt:t T} be a weakly stationary time series. Then
Estimation of the spectral density function
The Discrete Fourier Transform
Let x1,x2,x3, ...xT denote T observations on a univariate one-dimensional time series with zero mean (If the series has non-zero mean one uses in place of xt). Also assume that T = 2m +1 is odd. Then
where with lk = 2pk/T and k = 0, 1, 2, ... , m.
The Discrete Fourier transform: k = 0, 1,2, ... ,m.
Summary: The Discrete Fourier transform k = 0, 1,2, ... ,m.
Theorem E[Xk] = 0 with lk= 2p(k/T) with lk= 2p(k/T) and lh= 2p(h/T)
Proof Note Thus
Thus where
Thus Also
with q =2p(k/T)+l with f =2p(h/T)+l
Thus and
Defn: The Periodogram: k = 0,1,2, ..., m with lk = 2pk/T and k = 0, 1, 2, ... , m.
Periodogram for the sunspot data
In addition: If lk ≠ 0 If lk ≠ lh
Proof Note Let
Recall Basic Property of the Fejer kernel: If g(•) is a continuous function then : The remainder of the proof is similar
Consistent Estimation of the Spectral Density function f(l)
Smoothed Periodogram Estimators
Defn: The Periodogram: k = 0,1,2, ..., m
Properties: If lk ≠ 0 If lk ≠ lh
Spectral density Estimator
Properties: If lk ≠ 0 The second properties states that: is not a consistent estimator of f(l):
Periodogram Spectral density Estimator Properties: Asymptotically unbiased If lk ≠ 0 The second property states that: is not a consistent estimator of f(l):
Examples of using R
Example 1 – Sunspot data
Open the Data > sunData<-read.table("C:/Users/bill/Desktop/Sunspot.txt",header=TRUE) Set the vector y to the data “no” > y<-sunData[,"no"] Draw the raw periodogram Two commands achieve this > spectrum(y,method="pgram") or > spec.pgram(y, taper=0, log=“yes")
> spectrum(y,method="pgram") yields
> spec.pgram(y, taper=0, log="no") yields
> spec.pgram(y, taper=0, log=“yes") yields
Drawing the smoothed periodogram using Daniel window This is achieved using the command > spec.pgram(y, spans= 9, taper=0, log=“yes")
If one does not want the log-scale on y axis then use the command > spec.pgram(y, spans= 9, taper=0, log=“no")
If one want to use the Daniel window on two passes. Use the command. > spec.pgram(y, spans= c(9,9) , taper=0, log=“yes")
Periodogram Spectral density Estimator Properties: Asymptotically unbiased If lk ≠ 0 The second property states that: is not a consistent estimator of f(l):
Smoothed Estimators of the spectral density
The Daniell Estimator
Properties 1. 2. 3.
Now let T ∞, d ∞ such that d/T 0 Now let T ∞, d ∞ such that d/T 0. Then we obtain asymptotically unbiased and consistent estimators, that is
Choosing the Daniell option in SPSS
k = 5
k = 5
k = 9
k = 5
Other smoothed estimators
More generally consider the Smoothed Periodogram where and
Theorem (Asymptotic behaviour of Smoothed periodogram Estimators ) Let where {ut} are independent random variables with mean 0 and variance s2 with Let dT be an increasing sequence such that and
Then and Proof (See Fuller Page 292)
Weighted Covariance Estimators Note where
The Weighted Covariance Estimator where {wm(h): h = 0, ±1,±2, ...} are a sequence of weights such that: i) 0 ≤ wm(h) ≤ wm(0) = 1 ii) wm(-h) = wm(h) iii) wm(h) = 0 for |h| > m
The Spectral Window for this estimator is defined by: Properties : i) Wm(l) = Wm(-l) ii)
also (Using a Reimann-Sum Approximation) Note: also (Using a Reimann-Sum Approximation) = the Smoothed Periodogram Estimator
Asymptotic behaviour for large T 1. 2. 3.
Examples wm(h) = w(h/m) 1. Bartlett Note:
2. Parzen 3. Blackman-Tukey w(x) = 1 -2 a + 2a cos(px) with a = 0.23 (Hamming) , a = 0.25 (Hanning)
Daniell Tukey Parzen Bartlett
Approximate Distribution and Consistency 1. 2. 3.
Note: If Wm(l) is concentrated in a "peak" about l = 0 and f(l) is nearly constant over its width, then 1. and 2.
Confidence Limits in Spectral Density Estimation
Satterthwaites Approximation: where c and r are chosen so that 1. 2.
Thus = The equivalent df (EDF)
Now and Thus and
Confidence Limits for The Spectral Density function f(l): Let and denote the upper and lower critical values for the Chi-square distribution with r d.f. i.e. Then a [1- a]100 % confidence interval for f(l) is:
Estimation of the spectral density function Summary
The spectral density function, f(l) The spectral density function, f(x), is a symmetric function defined on the interval [-p,p] satisfying and
Periodogram Spectral density Estimator Properties: Asymptotically unbiased If lk ≠ 0 The second property states that: is not a consistent estimator of f(l):
Smoothed Estimators of the spectral density
Smoothed Periodogram Estimators where and The Daniell Estimator
The Weighted Covariance Estimator where {wm(h): h = 0, ±1,±2, ...} are a sequence of weights such that: i) 0 ≤ wm(h) ≤ wm(0) = 1 ii) wm(-h) = wm(h) iii) wm(h) = 0 for |h| > m
Choices for wm(h) = w(h/m) 1. Bartlett 2. Parzen 3. Blackman-Tukey w(x) = 1 -2 a + 2a cos(px) with a = 0.23 (Hamming) , a = 0.25 (Hanning)
The Spectral Window for this estimator is defined by: Properties : i) Wm(l) = Wm(-l) ii)
also (Using a Reimann-Sum Approximation) Note: also (Using a Reimann-Sum Approximation) = the Smoothed Periodogram Estimator
Approximate Distribution and Consistency 1. 2. 3.
Note: If Wm(l) is concentrated in a "peak" about l = 0 and f(l) is nearly constant over its width, then 1. and 2.
Confidence Limits for The Spectral Density function f(l): Let and denote the upper and lower critical values for the Chi-square distribution with r d.f. i.e. Then a [1- a]100 % confidence interval for f(l) is:
Now and Thus and
Confidence Limits for The Spectral Density function f(l): Let and denote the upper and lower critical values for the Chi-square distribution with r d.f. i.e. Then a [1- a]100 % confidence interval for f(l) is: