Computer Science 210 Computer Organization Type Conversions and Numeric I/O
Numeric Input and Output # In Python 2.7 yourAge = input("Enter your age: ") print yourAge # In Python 3.2 yourAge = int(input("Enter your age: ")) print(yourAge) In Python 3 there is no raw_input input returns a string, which must be cast to an int print automatically converts its argument to a string
Input and Output in LC-3 In LC-3, all I/O is character-based Strings may be output (trap service routine PUTS) and input (our own subroutine) Add subroutines GETS, INT, and TOSTRING to handle numeric I/O
The Numeric I/O Interface Subroutine Input Parameters Output Parameters PUTS R0 - address of string GETS R1 - address of string R2 – maximum size INT R2 - integer value TOSTRING We stay away from R0, which is used by the LC-3 trap routines and by our own stack routines
Simple Raw Input ;; Author: Ken Lambert ;; This program prompts the user for a string, inputs it, and prints it. .ORIG x3000 ;; Register usage: ; R0 = the address of a string for output ; R1 = the address of a string for input ; R6 = the stack pointer ; Main program code JSR INITSTACK ; Initialize the stack LEA R0, PROMPT ; Display the prompt PUTS LEA R1, BUFFER ; Input a string LD R2, MAXSIZE JSR GETS ADD R0, R1, #0 ; Output the string (same as LEA R0, BUFFER) HALT ; Main program data variables PROMPT .STRINGZ "Enter a string: ” ; The input prompt BUFFER .BLKW 6 ; String buffer for I/O (including null) MAXSIZE .FILL 5 ; Maximum number of characters
Print the Sum of Two Input Integers ; Main program code JSR INITSTACK ; Initialize the stack LEA R0, PROMPT ; Prompt for an integer PUTS LEA R1, BUFFER ; Input a string LD R2, MAXSIZE JSR GETS JSR INT ; Convert to an integer and save it ST R2, FIRST ST R2, SECOND LD R1, FIRST ; Add the two integers LD R2, SECOND ADD R2, R1, R2 LEA R1, BUFFER ; Convert the sum to a string and print it JSR TOSTRING ADD R0, R1, #0 HALT ; Main program data variables PROMPT .STRINGZ "Enter an integer: " ; The input prompt FIRST .BLKW 1 ; Two integers SECOND .BLKW 1 BUFFER .BLKW 6 ; String buffer for I/O (including null) MAXSIZE .BLKW 5 ; Maximum number of characters
Convert a String of Digits to an int def int(string): number = 0 for digit in string: number = 10 * number + ord(digit) - ord('0') return number The ord function returns a character’s integer ASCII value int(digit) == ord(digit) - ord('0')
Code for subroutine INT ; Input parameter: R1 - the address of the string buffer ; Output parameter: R2 - the integer represented by the string ; Register usage: ; R3 = temporary working storage ; R4 = the pointer into the string buffer INT PUSH R7, R1, R3, and R4 ; Save registers AND R3, R3, #0 ; Clear the sum ST R3, INTSUM ADD R4, R1, #0 ; Set the pointer into the buffer INTLOOP LDR R1, R4, #0 ; Get the next digit from the buffer BRz ENDINT ; Quit when it's nul LD R2, ORDZERO ; Convert the digit to an int ADD R1, R1, R2 ST R1, INTDIGIT LD R1, INTSUM ; Multiply the sum by 10 LD R2, INT10 JSR MUL LD R1, INTDIGIT ; Add int value of digit to the sum ADD R3, R3, R1 ADD R4, R4, #1 ; Advance to the next character in the buffer BR INTLOOP ENDINT LD R2, INTSUM ; Set the output parameter POP R4, R3, R1, and R7 ; Restore registers RET ; Subroutine INT data variables INTDIGIT .BLKW 1 ; Holds the integer value of each digit ORDZERO .FILL #-48 ; ASCII for the digit '0' (negated) INT10 .FILL #10 ; Base of 10 INTSUM .FILL #0 ; Holds the running total for the sum Code for subroutine INT
Convert an int to a String of Digits def str(number): if number == 0: return '0' string = '' while number > 0: remainder = number % 10 number //= 10 string = chr(remainder + ord('0')) + string return string The chr function returns the character corresponding to an integer ASCII value str(singleDigitInt) == chr(singleDigitInt + ord('0'))
Convert an int to a String of Digits def str(number): if number == 0: return '0' string = '' while number > 0: remainder = number % 10 number //= 10 string = chr(remainder + ord('0')) + string return string Prepending characters to a string is not easy when you’re representing the string as an array of memory cells
Convert an int to a String of Digits def str(number): if number == 0: return '0' stack = Stack() while number > 0: remainder = number % 10 number //= 10 stack.push(chr(remainder + ord('0'))) string = '' while not stack.isEmpty(): string += stack.pop() return string Use a stack to unload digits to the string in the reverse order
Code for subroutine TOSTRING ; Converts the integer in R2 to a string with base address R1 ; Input parameters: R1 = base address of string buffer ; R2 = an integer ; Output parameter: R1 = base address of the string buffer TOSTRING ST R1, STRBASE ; Save return address, parameters, PUSH R7, R4, R3, and R2 ; and temporaries AND R0, R0, #0 ; Push the null character onto the stack JSR PUSH ADD R1, R2, #0 ; Set the initial dividend STRLOOP LD R2, INT10 ; Divide the number by 10 JSR DIV LD R2, CHRZERO ; Convert the remainder and push it ADD R0, R4, R2 ; onto the stack ADD R1, R3, #0 ; Set the dividend to the quotient BRp STRLOOP ; While quotient > 0 LD R1, STRBASE ; Move characters from the stack to the POPLOOP JSR POP ; string buffer, stopping after the null STR R0, R1, #0 ; character is moved ADD R0, R0, #0 BRz ENDPOP ADD R1, R1, #1 BR POPLOOP ENDPOP LD R1, STRBASE ; Restore all registers POP R2, R3, R4, and R7 RET ; Subroutine TOSTRING data variables (also uses INT10 from INT) CHRZERO .FILL #48 ; ASCII for the digit '0' STRBASE .BLKW 1 ; Base address of string buffer for the sum Code for subroutine TOSTRING
Managing Dynamic Memory With a System Heap For Monday Managing Dynamic Memory With a System Heap