Making SMART Objectives
What are SMART Objectives Specific Measurable Attainable/Achievable Relevant Time Bound
Specific What are we doing and who are we doing it for?
Measurable Can the objective be calculated or quantifiable? If so, how?
Attainable/Achievable Can we accomplish this objective in the allotted time frame with what we have available to us?
Relevant Will this objective help us achieve the goal or task we are working on?
Time Bound When should this objective be completed?
Example Scenario: The river that goes through town is flooding due to several heavy rain storms over the past 24 hours. Objective: Have fire department put sandbags and other city-owned flood mitigation material down along the banks of the river before it dark.
Scenario Objective Specific? Yes-Flood mitigation items need to be put along the banks. Measurable? Yes-Either the material is put down or it is not Attainable/Achievable? Yes-Utilize fire department for manpower and city-owned equipment Relevant? Yes-If this isn’t done, the flooding will be worse Time Bound? Yes-Material needs to be down before dark