College of Occupational Therapists Occupational therapists’ use of occupation-focused practice in secure hospitals Practice guideline College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Section – Mental Health, Forensic Forum CPD Session: PowerPoint, notes and group activities The slides and information in this CPD session can be used as a template, but can be adapted to reflect local need and priorities. The overall aim of this resource is to support a continuing professional development session to explore the practice guideline Occupational therapists’ use of occupation-focused practice in secure hospitals (COT 2012). The resource comprises this PowerPoint presentation and notes which can be used for a one-hour facilitated workshop, or for individual self-directed learning. There are some interactive activities which are intended to be used to encourage reflection on current practice and to explore some areas in more detail. Pre-requisite materials: Guideline document: Occupational therapists’ use of occupation-focused practice in secure hospitals (COT 2012) Implementation tools i.e. Audit Form. Quick Reference Guide. It is essential that workshop facilitators familiarise themselves with the full guideline document and implementation tools in advance. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists. This PowerPoint may be copied and adapted for non-commercial use
Learning outcomes To explore aspects of the practice guideline recommendations in relation to current practice. To develop an understanding of the importance of using practice guidelines to inform practice. To explore and develop an understanding of how to use the COT Audit Form for use with the evidence-based recommendations. Slide 3 Practice question Slide 4 Guideline objective Slide 5-6 Methodology and recommendation grading Slide 7 Recommendation areas: Volition Habituation (Activity 1 and 2) Performance capacity Environmental considerations Slides 8-13 Evidence overview and list of the recommendations Slides 14-18 Impact of the guideline (Activity 3) Slide 19 Practice guideline resources Information used in the session is taken from the full practice guideline document and the other implementation tools, particularly the audit tool. Activities 1 and 2 can potentially be applied to any of the recommendation areas. Choose the one that you think would yield as much discussion as possible by the group in order that they may take plenty of ideas away to think about. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Practice question: What evidence is there to support the use of occupation in occupational therapy in secure hospitals with patients over the age of 18? COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Key objective of guideline To provide specific recommendations to support the use of occupation-focused occupational therapy in secure hospitals. The guideline is relevant to high, medium and secure hospitals. Emphasise that the guideline focuses on occupation-focused practice for adults, aged 18 and over, and covers all aspects of severe mental illness, personality disorders and learning disability. The setting is high, medium and low secure units. Specific index offence interventions are not covered, e.g. anger management and sex offender treatment. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Methodology 2. Guideline scope defined involving stakeholders 1. Guideline development group established 5. Critically appraise articles 4. Screen findings 3. Literature search 6. Development of practice guideline recommendations 7. Peer review, stakeholder and service user consultation The College of Occupational Therapists’ guideline development process is rigorous and is Accredited by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Selection of a topic 1. Establish the Guideline Development Group Submit a proposal 2. Define the scope and practice question(s) 3. Literature search 4. Screen findings 5. Appraisal and grading of the evidence 6. Formulate the recommendations Write the guideline 7. Peer review and consultation involving stakeholders (includes occupational therapists as end users) and service users 8. Ratification by the COT Practice Publications Group Publication and Implementation Review – within 5 years. Stakeholder, service user and carer engagement and involvement was fundamental to the development of the guideline. 9. Published by COT 2012 8. Final draft approved by COT Practice Publications Group COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Evidence-based recommendations Recommendations are based on the evidence available within 34 critically appraised papers. Each recommendation is assigned: A strength scoring 1 or 2 (Strong or Conditional) A quality grading A, B, C or D (High, Moderate, Low or Very Low) Each relevant article of evidence identified from the search (2001 – 2011) was critically appraised by two members of the guideline development group, and a quality of evidence grading subsequently determined based on that assessment. The quality of evidence grading reflects the typical hierarchy given to study design. For example the highest level (A) reflects consistent results from randomized controlled trials, whilst the lowest (D) includes studies such as case studies or expert opinion. Higher level studies are perceived as being less susceptible to bias. The strength of the recommendation is scored as either strong (1) or conditional (2). This is based on the benefits and risks of the evidence. A strong recommendation indicates that benefits appear to outweigh the risks for the majority of the target group, where as a conditional or suggested recommendation, means that the risks and benefits are more closely balanced or there is more uncertainty. The majority of the 34 items of evidence were assessed as low grade and was predominantly cohort and qualitative studies. None of the evidence was graded as high (A), 5.9% as moderate (B), 70.6% as low, and 23.5% as very low (D). Seventeen of the 20 recommendations are graded as strong. Each recommendation is specific and is based on the appraised evidence. Details about the studies referenced can be found in the evidence tables section (Appendix 4) of the full guideline. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Recommendation areas Model of Human Occupation Framework: Volition Habituation Performance capacity Environmental considerations The recommendations are based on the synthesis of the best available evidence. It should, therefore, be noted that the guideline is not able to be fully reflective of the role of occupational therapy with adults who are undergoing total hip replacement. Recommendations, based on the evidence, were developed in four key areas reflective of the Model of Human Occupation Framework: Volition Habituation Performance capacity Environmental considerations Point out that the recommendation categories reflect the concepts associated with the Model of Human Occupation (Kielhofner 2008) as currently this appears to be the most frequently used and cited in relation to forensic occupational therapy. However highlight that this serves as a useful framework but is not meant to be prescriptive. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Volition Volition It is recommended that occupational therapists always take into account the gender specific needs of patients with whom they are working. (Baker and McKay 2001, C) 1 C 2. It is recommended that occupational therapists consider the occupational life history of patients, including that at the time of the index offence, and its influences on occupational performance, life satisfaction and criminogenic lifestyle. (Lindstedt et al 2005, B) 1 B 3. It is recommended that occupational therapists establish as part of their assessment, patients’ perspectives of their occupational performance and social participation, and work with those perceptions in planning care. (Lindstedt et al 2004, B) COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Volition contd. Volition 4. It is recommended that occupational therapists work collaboratively with patients in identifying and planning their care pathways. (Clarke 2002, C) 1 C 5. It is recommended that occupational therapists recognise the specific intrinsic value of occupation to individual patients. (Craik et al 2010, C) 6. It is recommended that occupational therapists facilitate meaningful occupational choices for patients. (Craik et al 2010, C; Cronin-Davies 2010, C; Mason and Adler 2012, C; Morris 2012, C; O’Connell et al 2010, D; Stewart and Craik 2007, C) 7. It is recommended that occupational therapists ascertain patients’ aspirations towards paid employment at the earliest opportunity, and during rehabilitation. (McQueen 2011, C) Activity 1 Prior to showing the next slide 10, ‘Habituation’ Activity 1 can be carried out. Tell the group that the next section deals with habituation. Split the group into pairs and ask them to discuss what they think would be covered/recommended in this section. Prompt them to think about their own practice in this area, highlighting examples of their own best practice. Following discussion, ask the pairs to share 1-2 examples with the group; you might want to record on a flipchart the groups’ suggestions to refer back to these ideas when you show the recommendations. On completion of the activity present the recommendations for reducing anxiety which are on slides 10 and 11. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Habituation Habituation 8. It is recommended that occupational therapists consider the patients’ roles, (past, present and future) within treatment planning and interventions. (Schindler 2005, C) 1 C 9. It is recommended that occupational therapy facilitates a range of interventions that enable patients to engage in structured and constructive use of time throughout the week, including weekends and evenings. (Bacon et al 2012, D; Castro et al 2002, C; Farnworth et al 2004, C; Jacques et al 2010, D; Stewart and Craik 2007, C) Activity 2 Once the recommendations have been presented, the questions below can be used to encourage the group to talk about the recommendations in relation to their own suggestions: Do they cover the best practice examples they identified? Why might these not be the same? You may want to refer back to the methodology of creating evidence-based guidelines and how it is based on the published literature - evidence-based practice guidelines support practice, but can only reflect current evidence. It may be important to emphasise that just because their own examples are not covered, this does not necessarily mean they are not best practice. Occupational therapists also need to adhere to other service standards, consider the service user’s perspectives and apply their clinical judgement and reasoning when providing occupation-focused interventions for adults in a secure hospital. The Audit Form can now be used to further consider the reducing anxiety recommendations. Ask the pairs/small groups to discuss each of the recommendations (give each group a different recommendation), sharing their current practice in relation to the recommendation and how they would evidence this. If the recommendation is not current practice then they should look at what an action plan might consist of to implement that recommendation. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Performance capacity Performance capacity 10. It is recommended that occupational therapists routinely used standardised outcome measures to assess and demonstrate patients’ progress. (Green et al 2011, C; Clarke 2003, D; Fitzgerald 2001, C; McQueen 2001, C) 1 C 11. It is recommended that occupational therapists consider supported employment or prevocational training as part of occupation-based intervention opportunities for patients. (Garner 1995, D; McQueen 2011, C; Smith et al 2010, D) 12. It is recommended that occupational therapists consider the use of healthy living programmes and exercise as activity to benefit health and wellbeing. (Bacon et al 2012, D; McQueen 2011, C; Prebble et al 2011, D; Tetlie et al 2008, C; Tetlie et al 2009, C; Teychenne et al 2010, C) 13. It is suggested that occupational therapists include social inclusion programmes as part of their intervention to improve occupational functioning. (Fitzgerald 2011, C) 2 C COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Environmental considerations 14. It is recommended that occupational therapists fully value the therapeutic use of self as being integral to the positive engagement of patients in occupations. (Mason and Adler 2012, C; Tetlie et al 2009, C) 1 C 15. It is recommended that occupational therapists ensure that risk assessment is a dynamic process, in which judgements are made on an on-going basis in collaboration with patients and members of the multidisciplinary team. (Cordingley and Ryan 2009, B) 16. It is suggested that occupational therapists recognise the role and contribution of carers in the recovery of patients. (Absalom et al 2010, C; Fitzgerald et al 2012, D) 2 C 17. It is recommended that occupational therapists consider the impact of the environment on quality of life and occupational engagement. (Craik et al 2010, C; Fitzgerald et al 2011, D; Long et al 2008, C; Long et al 2011, C; Morris 2012, C) COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Environmental considerations contd. 18. It is suggested that occupational therapists liaise with a range of community services to facilitate replication of patients’ pro-social behaviours developed during an inpatient stay. (Elbogen et al 2011, D; Lin et al 2009, C; Lindstedt et al 2011, C) 2 C 19. It is recommended that occupational therapists demonstrate their competencies (skills and training) to facilitate identified therapeutic groups, enhancing the confidence and participation of patients. (Mason and Adler 2012, C) 1 C 20. It is recommended that occupational therapists articulate, to patients and the multidisciplinary team, their role and the contribution of occupational therapy to the overall treatment performance. (Cronin-Davis 2010, C) Activity 3 – can be carried out before moving onto the next slides Divide into groups again and ask them to consider what they think the impact of these guidelines will be for themselves, their service managers, the users of their service, and the commissioners of services. Obtain feedback from the groups before going through the suggested impacts on slides 14–18. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Impact of practice guideline for you: the practitioner Challenges / affirms your current practice. Provides evidence-based recommendations to inform and support your practice. Raises awareness of benefits and risks and organisational and financial barriers. Provides a vehicle for you to audit and justify your practice COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Impact of practice guideline for managers Provides evidence of the need for occupation-focused occupational therapy for adults in secure hospitals. Provides a structure to audit the work of occupational therapists within the service to improve service quality. Provides a vehicle for justifying service provision. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Impact of practice guideline for commissioners Articulates the need for occupational therapy interventions within secure hospital services. Provides recommendations developed by a NICE Accredited process. Can help educate commissioners to identify learning needs for the workforce. Audit form provides a mechanism to review service delivery in accordance with the evidence. NB: Highlight the significance of the guideline having been developed by the COT Guideline Development process which is NICE Accredited, e.g. COT practice guidelines developed using the NICE Accredited guideline process are clearly visible in search results on NICE Evidence. Guidelines developed via a NICE Accredited process are eligible for consideration as evidence in the development of NICE Quality Standards. Provides robust evidence-based recommendations that can demonstrate to commissioners the benefits of occupational therapy for the community on whose behalf they are commissioning services. Further information at: COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Impact of practice guideline for patients The recommendations reinforce the fundamental importance of the patient perspective In being adopted by services and occupational therapists, the guideline should improve the consistency and quality of intervention for users of services. Gives assurance that practitioners use the available evidence to support interventions. COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists
Patient perspectives Any reduction in the occupational therapy programme was viewed by one patient as limiting opportunities for engagement in occupational therapy groups and learning new skills The impact of the environment was reinforced by one patient, indicating that a homely environment was desired In relation to the availability of occupational opportunities, another patient reported that it was a struggle at weekends on the ward A preference for one-to-one occupational therapy sessions, with the importance of the occupational therapists in relation to motivation being highlighted, was also expressed by one patient in the context of group work Conclude the session by summarising some of the key areas of discussion and messages from the guideline recommendations. Ask each participant to share a thought about the recommendations and to identify something they are going to do following the session. If applicable, you may also want to identify how as a service you are going to complete and monitor the Audit Form. Finish by reiterating the importance of a practice guideline in informing work with service users, focusing on empowering the service user to fully engage and take responsibility of achieving individual goals.
Practice guideline resources College of Occupational Therapists (2012) Occupational therapists’ use of occupation-focused practice in secure hospitals: practice guideline. London: COT. Audit tool Quick Reference Guide Feedback form Resources are available from the College’s website at: COT Implementation Toolkit/CPD Session © 2015 College of Occupational Therapists