CONTENTS: History of Halogen Lamp Construction of Halogen Lamp Definition of Halogen Lamp Manufacturing Process of Halogen Lamp Construction of Halogen Lamp Operating principle of Halogen Lamp Important characteristic of Halogen Lamp Advantages & Disadvantages of Halogen Lamp Applications of Halogen Lamp References.
HISTORY OF HALOGEN LAMP A carbon filament lamp using halogen to prevent darkening of the envelope was patented in 1882 . The chlorine-filled "Novak" lamps were marketed in 1892 The use of iodine was proposed in 1933 Elmer Fridrich and Emmet Wiley developed the halogen lamp at General Electric in Nela Park, Ohio in 1955 Elmer Fridrich developed the first halogen tungsten lamp prototypes with Emmitt Wiley in 1953/1959 . The team later developed the double ended halogen lamp in 1959 Patents were issued in 1959 . The halogen was improved upon by other engineers so that it was cheaper to produce and market in 1960.
Definition of Halogen Lamp A halogen lamp, also known as a tungsten halogen lamp or quartz iodine lamp, is an incandescent lamp that has a small amount of a halogen such as iodine or bromine added The combination of the halogen gas and the tungsten filament produces a halogen cycle chemical reaction which redeposit evaporated tungsten back on the filament, increasing its life and maintaining the clarity of the envelope. Because of this, a halogen lamp can be operated at a higher temperature than a standard gas-filled lamp of similar power and operating life, producing light of a higher luminous efficacy and color temperature
Manufacturing Process of Halogen Lamp Making the coil Forming the bulb Making the mount Sealing Evacuating and filling the pressed bulb Attaching the base
Contact - Metal part that establishes electric contact between the base of a light bulb and the socket Base - Metal end of a light bulb inserted into a socket to connect it to the electric circuit Inert gas - Gas inserted in the bulb to slow down evaporation of the filament; iodine or bromine are added as they combine with the tungsten at high temperatures. Tungsten filament - Very thin metal wire emitting light rays when an electric current passes though it.
Filament support -Metal wire holding the filament. Bulb -Gas sealed in a glass envelope into which the luminous body of a lamp is inserted. Pin -Cylindrical metal part that establishes electric contact when inserted into the corresponding outlet.
OPERATING PRINCIPLE If the lamp is turned on , tungsten particles evaporate from filament and attach on the bulb wall . At the same time ,halogen is decomposed and becomes atomic halogen . Atomic halogen is diffused on the bulb wall with free tungsten particle to become transparent and volatile tungsten halide . Due to the high temperature ( over 500 degree Fahrenheit) on the wall , tungsten halide is volatilized and circulates back to filament
After tungsten halide is decomposed around the filament at a high temperature, halogen gas is released, ready to combine again, and tungsten is re-deposited on the filament, whereby the process is ready to begin again. The halogen lamp's envelope is made of quartz glass because of the high operating temperature and pressure required to permit the halogen regenerative cycle process. Quartz also renders the lamp extremely resistant to heat impact. The small dimensions of halogen lamps allow accurate control over the light beam for a better focused and precise light.
Effect of voltage on performance of Halogen Lamp Tungsten halogen lamps behave in a similar manner to other incandescent lamps when run on a different voltage. Light output is reported as proportional to V3 The luminous efficacy proportional to voltage V1.3 Lifetime is that it is proportional to V-14 Increasing the applied voltage increases the rate of evaporation . With a reduced voltage the evaporation is lower . Halogen lamps are dimmed successfully .
Voltage Flactuation Characteristics of Halogen Lamp
IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTIC CCT of HALOGEN LAMP: Halogen Lamp have a CCT of 2800 K to 3400 K . CRI OF HALOGEN LAMP: Real-life halogen lamp achieve CRIs 100 . Efficacy : Approximately 10 to 25 lumens/Watt . Life span : Typically a Halogen Lamp has rated lifespan of 2000 to 4000 hours. The lifetime of any lamp depends on many factors, including operating voltage, manufacturing defects, exposure to voltage spikes, mechanical shock, frequency of cycling on and off, lamp orientation, and ambient operating temperature, among other factors. The life of a Halogen Lamp is significantly shorter if it is turned on and off frequently.
Halogen Lamps are small ,lightweight . Low cost to produce . ADVANTAGES: Halogen Lamps are small ,lightweight . Low cost to produce . Does not use mercury like CFLs(fluorescent) or mercury vapor lights Better color temperature (2800-3400 Kelvin ) L0nger life than conventional incandescent. Instant on to full brightness . No warm up time ,and it is dimmable .
Not as efficient as HID lamps . DISADVANTAGES: Extremely hot (easily capable of causing severe burns if the lamp is touched). The lamp is sensitive to oils left by the human skin , if you touched the bulb with your bare hands the oil left behind will heat up once the bulb is activated , this oil may cause an imbalance and result in a rupture of the bulb . Explosion , the bulb is capable of blowing and sending hot glass outward .A screen or layer of glass on the outside of the lamp can protect user Not as efficient as HID lamps .
Halogen lamps used in home and commercial lighting . APPLICATIONS: Halogen lamps used for television and film production range from 125- 750+ watts . The Halogen Lamp is used in many modern track lighting fixtures to provide quality light to specific areas for food preparation, paintings/wall hangings, and general mood lighting. Halogen lamps used in home and commercial lighting . Halogen headlamps are used in many automobiles .
Tungsten halogen lamps are used in the majority of theatrical and studio (film and television) fixtures . Halogen floodlights for outdoor lighting systems . Tungsten-halogen lamps are frequently used as a near- infrared light source in Infrared Spectroscopy . Projection lamps are used in motion-picture and slide projectors for homes and small office or school use
REFERENCES: halogen us/products/halogen/pages/defaults.aspx
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