Post Membership Growth & How To Conduct A Successful Membership Drive i. To be able to recognize the importance of strong leadership in membership growth ii. To emphasize the importance of a committee and a written plan iii. To impress the plan elements of Retaining, Renewals, Recruiting, Legion Programs and Communication iv. We will review what we have discussed The American Legion
What are our Objectives? Acknowledge the need for Membership Growth Understand the important role of strong leadership in Membership Growth Recognize the importance of a Membership Committee and a written plan of action Identify written plan elements 1. Post Commander must “get out in front” of the membership and lead them to achieving goals by clearly expressing positive expectations 2. 1st Vice must have a “can do” attitude and committed to growth a. Develop a Membership Committee b. Have a written plan – it is your road map to success c. Assign responsibilities…divide up the work i. Who, How, What, When & Where ii. Written plan elements 1. Retain – close the back door 2. Renew – start fast & set aggressive deadlines 3. Recruit – DMS Roster, Expired members, Membership Drives, Recruiting events d. Assign a sponsor to new members e. Work the plan – review & adjust as necessary f. Keep it fun, exciting & motivational – build on the positives The American Legion
Why is Membership Growth Important? To maintain a dynamic voice in Washington that will continue to protect the interest of all veterans, service members and their families If we fail to grow…it is only a matter of time before we cease to exist Simply put…membership is our lifeblood Other Departments are growing and Oregon can too! The American Legion
Essentials to membership growth Training…learning Leadership…get out in front Mentoring…developing others Motivating…be appreciative Monitoring…follow up 1. Support Legion Programs – Boys State, Oratorical, Boy Scouts 2. “Spread the word” – Communicate! a. Insure membership knows what you are doing and the benefit b. Insure the media knows what you are doing and why c. Insure the community know what you are doing and the benefit The American Legion
Learning #1… Post Commanders, You must: Place a high priority on membership growth and achieving goals. Clearly express your positive expectations that membership growth is not optional and that we will meet our goals. The American Legion
Leadership Stress that it is the responsibility of each Post member Lead your Post to success. The American Legion
Mentoring #2…1st Vice Commanders you must: Have a positive attitude and committed to attaining goals. Make a written status report at all meetings; where are we now? and how will we get to where we are going? Lead your committee to success The American Legion
Motivating #3…Develop a Membership Committee Divide up the work…assign specific responsibilities Involve the entire membership - ”everyone recruits one” Make it a “Family Project”…Post, Sons, Riders, Auxiliary The American Legion
Monitoring #4…Develop a written plan…it is your roadmap to success…tactical What do we need to do? How are we going to do it? Who is going to do it? When will it be accomplished? Keep it Simple and Flexible The American Legion
There’s power in simplicity All I ever needed to know… I learned in kindergarten The American Legion
Quote from Alice in wonderland Alice to the Cat…“Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here? The Cat to Alice…”that depends a great deal on where you want to get to” Alice…”I don’t much care where” The Cat…”Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go” The American Legion
Elements of a written plan Retain…#1 objective is to close the back door Renew…set aggressive deadlines Recruit…at all post activities, 114 List Legion Programs…#1 easiest way to growth Communicate…”Spread the Word” External: insure the community knows what you are doing and why Internal: insure the membership knows what you are doing, how they can help and why The American Legion
A Quote to Remember “Membership success is not determined by fancy footwork or gimmicks. Effective membership programs are the result of one thing and one thing only, and that is effective leadership” John A Breden III, Past National Commander 2003-2004 The American Legion
Review Make growth a “top of mind” priority Develop a committee with a positive attitude that is motivated and committed Have a written plan and work it Focus Items:…Retain, Renew, Recruit, Legion Programs & Communicate Keep it simple interesting and fun The American Legion
Evaluation Are there any questions? What are the first 4 steps to being successful in Post Membership Growth? What are the 5 focus items of a written plan for Membership Growth? Effective membership programs are the result of what one thing? The American Legion
How to Conduct a Successful Membership Drive The American Legion
What are our Objectives Discuss the important role education plays in a successful effort Understand the importance of making a good 1st impression Review how to set up an effective display Detail how to make a presentation and the importance of follow-up Review our presentation The American Legion
education Being prepared is a confidence builder for both you and the person with whom you are talking The Two Minute Drill: is simply preparing beforehand a response to anticipated questions Educate the membership…”2‐minute drills” a. Who is the American Legion? b. Why should I belong? The American Legion
Who is The American Legion? The Two Minute Drill: The American Legion is the Nations largest and most influential network of U.S. wartime veterans. It was chartered by Congress in 1919 and is a 501 (c)19 non-profit organization. The American Legion
Why Should I Belong The Two Minute Drill: “Our mission is to help service members, veterans and their families, educate our community’s children, keep our community safe, and lend a helping hand to those in need.” The American Legion
The Visual Presentation You don’t get a 2nd chance at a good 1st impression Dress to impress Cover the Table with a Legion tablecloth Have a flag set in the middle of the table Have the roll-up billboards on display Don’t clutter the table top The American Legion
DO… The American Legion
The Visual Presentation Making a good 1st impression…continued Brochures must have your contact information Keep business cards in your pocket Stand in front of the table…in the aisle Keep chairs to a minimum if at all Greet visitors with a smile, an extended hand and an introduction Keep chairs, food and drink out of the booth The American Legion
The Visual Presentation The American Legion
A Welcoming Greeting “Hello, I’m Fred (shaking hands & smiling)! Are you familiar with The American Legion?” If they say “yes” inquire if they are already a member…some of them will be members If they say “no” qualify them as an eligible veteran for membership If they are qualified this is your opportunity to ask sincere “probing” questions. The American Legion
The Actual Presentation Focus on the 4 Pillars from a local perspective Keep it brief and simple…you only have a few minutes to get your point across. Ask sincere, probing questions and they will tell you their interests. Keep a “Why You Should Belong” brochure in your hand at all times Show a sincere interest in them…thank them for their service The American Legion
The Close Remember you don’t have to wait until the end of the presentation to close When you sense they are ready to sign…go for it! If you don’t sense a closing opportunity ask… “I have an application right here and can sign you up today”. The American Legion
The Follow-up Capture contact information on everyone - name, address, phone & email Follow up immediately with a letter and within 7 days with a phone call Briefly discuss benefits of membership Show a sincere interest in them The American Legion
The Follow-up Appoint a sponsor for new Legion Members Have “New Member’s Post Sponsor Checklist” The American Legion
The American Legion
Review Education…2 minute drills A good 1st Impression… be prepared A warm greeting…polite & professional Qualify…know to whom you are talking The Presentation…the 4 Pillars The Close…ABC = Always Be Closing The follow-up…your best opportunity a. Growth must be a priority b. Have a written plan and work the plan c. Develop a Membership Committee with a positive attitude that is motivated and committed to growth d. Focus…Retaining, Renewals, & Recruiting e. Support Legion Programs f. “Spread the Word”…media and internal g. Keep it simple, interesting and fun The American Legion
Are there any questions? Evaluation Are there any questions? What is the 1st step in an effective membership drive? What will a great visual presentation insure? Following the greeting what fact do you need to establish? The American Legion
The End The American Legion