Many people are pretty darn scared of speaking in front of an audience Even those who aren’t literally scared usually get nervous or anxious before speaking Everybody goes through this—even people who speak in public every single day When there’s a spotlight on us, it can be intimidating! It’s totally normal…
Since we know this will be difficult… Supporting your classmates will be part of your grade during this unit. You are REQUIRED to cheer them on and encourage them in an authentic way. That will make it less scary! As such, ANY ridicule or rude interruption while people are speaking will result in an F for the entire unit. Since we know this will be difficult…
But I’m still scared!! Worry not! We will be doing all kinds of small exercises to build your confidence in public speaking… You’ll speak just a little each day. You need to trust your teacher. Mr. Moore and Ms. Harter both have experience in public speaking… not to mention talking in front of this motley crew EVERY SINGLE DAY! [Kidding!] Trust us. We can teach you much, and promise to encourage and support you every step of the way.
Will I have to give a speech?! Yes! But don’t worry. You will be ready when the time comes!
As long as you work hard and practice, this unit will be as scary as…