Gymnázium Brno, třída Kapitána Jaroše, Brno, Czech Republic


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Presentation transcript:

Gymnázium Brno, třída Kapitána Jaroše, Brno, Czech Republic Where do we come from?

Czech Republic The Heart of Europe

Location of the country Czech Republic is in Central Europe and a member state of the European Union.The country has borders with Germany, Poland, Austria and Slovakia The country is composed of the historic regions of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia

Geography There are rivers: Elbe river, Oder river, Vltava river and Morava river The highest point in the country is Sněžka(1602 m) The capital city is Prague

Population and area The Czech Republic has about 10 300 000 inhabitants In Prague live about 1 200 000 people Area is 78 866 km2

Weather and climate Temperate continental climate Warm weather in summer and cold weather in winter(usually with snow)

Flag and Coat of arms Flag President is Miloš Zeman Anthem:Kde domov můj Coat of arms is with Eagle and Lion

Currency 1 USD = approx. 24 Kč (Czech koruna)

Prague Prague is the capital city It has 1 milion inhabitants the president,the head of country, and the parliament resides here The president lives in Prague Castle The center of Prague is in UNESCO. There is Old Town Square, where is city hall with astronomical clock, fabricated in 1410.

Brno Brno is the second biggest city in the CR It has about 350 000 inhabitants The center of Brno is Liberty Square, where the main street of shops is – Czech Street. On the square, there are a lot of pubs and coffees. The most popular sight in Brno is Villa Tugendhat. It was made by a German architect - Ludwig Miese van Rohe - in functionalism, and it’s also in UNESCO.

Karlovy Vary The main thing in this city are spa. A lot of people go there, but because these are really famous spa, it’s quite expansive for us. So you can find there primarily tourists from other countries. Mapa je moc pekna. Neni podobna pro Brno a Prahu?

Krkonose - they are in the north of the CR, so there are lots of the Germans.. The highest Czech mountain is in the Krkonose – the Sněžka mountain (1603 m) Beskydy- are the most popular mountains for Moraviens, they are in the east of CR . Tady jsem teda vyhodil tu vetu o nemeckych turistech