Control plots at hadron level from official MC production


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Presentation transcript:

Control plots at hadron level from official MC production Marek Taševský, V. Kůs, O. Kepka (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Prague) H. Bansil, P. Newman (University of Birmingham) Prague - 11/03 2013

Statistics available in official samples   Data go to gap ~ 7 (see previous slide). Statistics of official ND samples insufficient, information on the large gaps is missing. A filter based on the gap distribution is needed.

HERWIG++ 2.6 ND weighted

HERWIG++ 2.6 ND weighted: sums

HERWIG++ 2.6 ND unweighted

HERWIG++ 2.6 ND unweighted: sums

HERWIG++ 2.6 ND weighted, w<8E4 Remove weights w>8E4 (loss smaller than 1 per-mille and concentrated in very first Gap bin) Get smoother Pt and Eta spectra

HERWIG++2.6 ND weighted:sums,w<8E4 Remove weights w>8E4: Get smoother Pt and Eta spectra

HERWIG++2.6 ND unweighted:sums,w<8E4

HERWIG++2.6 SD1 weighted

HERWIG++2.6 SD1 weighted: sums

HERWIG++2.6 SD1 unweighted Note: JZ0W corrupted

HERWIG++2.6 SD1 unweighted: sums Note: JZ0W corrupted

HERWIG++2.6 SD2 weighted

HERWIG++2.6 SD2 weighted: sums

HERWIG++2.6 SD2 unweighted Note: JZ0W corrupted

HERWIG++2.6 SD2 unweighted: sums Note: JZ0W corrupted

PYTHIA 8 ND weighted

PYTHIA 8 ND weighted: sums

PYTHIA 8 ND unweighted

PYTHIA 8 ND unweighted: sums

PYTHIA 8 ND unweighted: sums

PYTHIA 8 ND weighted: w<2E5 Remove weights w>2E5 (loss smaller than 2 per-mille and concentrated in very first Gap bin) Get smoother Pt and Eta spectra

PYTHIA 8 ND weighted: sums, w<2E5 Remove weights w>2E5 Get smoother Pt and Eta spectra

PYTHIA 8 ND unweighted: sums, w<2E5

PYTHIA 8 ND unweighted: sums, w<2E5

PYTHIA 8 SD weighted

PYTHIA 8 SD weighted: sums

PYTHIA 8 SD unweighted

PYTHIA 8 SD unweighted: sums

PYTHIA 8 SD unweighted: sums

PYTHIA 8 DD weighted

PYTHIA 8 DD weighted: sums

PYTHIA 8 DD unweighted

PYTHIA 8 DD unweighted: sums

PYTHIA 8 DD unweighted: sums

Preliminary findings 1. HW26SD1_JZ0W and HW26SD2_JZ0W corrupted 2. JZxW give smoother Etajet1 and Ptjet1 spectra 3. JZ0Ws are problematic: a) only few events survive Etjet2>12 GeV cut. From 400k of each sample we have: HW26ND: 1098, HW26SD: 0, PY8ND: 11973, PY8SD: 12773, PY8DD: 12514 - how many do we have after the detector-level selection Etjet1>30, Etjet2>20??? b) The sum JZ0W+JZ1W+JZ2W doesn’t match the x-section of the weighted samples The culprit is JZ0W: but what’s wrongly calculated?? - i) weight=1.0 – probably OK - ii) x-section? - iii) Filtering efficiency? 4. Due to large weights, Ptjet1 and Etajet1 spectra aren’t smooth in weighted samples. If events with huge weights are removed, the spectra get smoother. But the MC predictions in the very first bin of the Gap distribution lower by a visible manner. This will be followed up after the reco D3PDS are produced and samples after the detector-level cuts Etjet1>30, Etjet2>20 GeV are created.