Oklahoma Communities Review Sauk II
Where are y’all from? Look at the picture of each Oklahoma Community and choose the correct Sauk word. Click the play icon to go back to the last slide viewed. Click the forward icon to jump to the next slide. If you get stuck, click the forward button on your computer and click the horn icon to hear the word.
Oklahoma Communities Tâna châhi wêchipyâyani? Tâtepi (châh) êhâyani? Where do you come from? Tâtepi (châh) êhâyani? Where did you go? (1 person) Tâtepi (châh) êhâyêkwe? Where did you go? (group) _____ nîhmawinawihâwa. I’m going to visit ______.
Oklahoma City Okonohômîheki Takamithîheki
Tecumseh Pwêkeki Takamithîheki
Avery Chêninêheki Êwîheki
Cushing Koshineki Okonohômîheki
Shawnee Shtowâteki Shânîheki
Chandler Shânîheki Chêninêheki
Meeker Mîkêheki Koshineki
Stroud Chêninêheki Shtowâteki
Prague Tanathîheki Pwêkeki
Seminole Sheminônîheki Shtowâteki
Miami Mîkêheki Mayêmîheki
Tulsa Tanathîheki Koshineki