Predicting weather patterns You will need: -Red -Blue and -Purple Markers, crayons, pens, or colored pencils Predicting weather patterns You will need: Red Blue Purple Markers, crayons, pens, or colored pencils
QUESTIONs What is an air mass and its 3 characteristics? What is a front? What weather comes with high pressure? What weather comes with low pressure? What are the 4 types of fronts? What is a storm? (give 4 examples)
Air mass and Fronts Large body of air that has the same -temperature -pressure & -humidity A Front – boundary between two air masses
What do you think of when you hear pressure? Large body of air that has the same -temperature -pressure & -humidity What do you think of when you hear pressure?
QUESTIONs What is an air mass and its 3 characteristics? What weather comes with high pressure? What weather comes with low pressure? What are the 4 types of fronts? What is a storm? (give 4 examples)
High-pressure system Brings sunshine and good weather Large body of air that has the same -temperature -pressure & -humidity High-pressure system Large body of circulating air with high pressure at center and lower pressure outside As high pressure is an area of sinking air, and air tends to dry out as it sinks, leaving sunny skies. Brings sunshine and good weather
QUESTIONs What is an air mass and its 3 characteristics? What weather comes with high pressure? What weather comes with low pressure? What are the 4 types of fronts? What is a storm? (give 4 examples)
Large body of air that has the same -temperature -pressure & -humidity Low-pressure system Large body of circulating air with low pressure at center and higher pressure outside Low pressure areas are generally cloudy/rainy areas -- where strong areas of low pressure bring our stormiest weather. That's because it's an area of rising air, and as air rises, it condenses into clouds and rain. brings clouds and precipitation
QUESTIONs What is an air mass and its 3 characteristics? What weather comes with high pressure? What weather comes with low pressure? What are the 4 types of fronts? What is a storm? (give 4 examples)
Weather map codes Large body of air that has the same -temperature -pressure & -humidity Weather map codes
In continental the US Cold Fronts: cold air moves under warm air forcing the warm air upwards Warm Front: move slowly and brings warm, humid air
In continental the US Stationary Front: forms when a cold mass meets a warm mass but neither have enough force to move one another Occluded Front: warm air mass is caught between two cold air masses Because cold air moves faster
QUESTIONs What is an air mass and its 3 characteristics? What weather comes with high pressure? What weather comes with low pressure? What are the 4 types of fronts? What is a storm? (give 4 examples)
What is a storm? Violent disturbance in the atmosphere called severe weather Thunderstorms: small storm accompanied by thunder and lightning formed from large cumulonimbus clouds Tornado: rapidly, whirling, funnel-shaped cloud that reaches down from a storm cloud and touches the Earth’s surface formed when a thunderstorm updrafts begin to rotate Hurricane: intense tropical storm with winds exceeding 119 km/hr formed over warm ocean water as a low-pressure area Blizzard: violent winter storm characterized by freezing temperatures, strong winds and blowing snow
Answer these QUESTIONs What is an air mass and its 3 characteristics? What is a front? What weather comes with high pressure? What weather comes with low pressure? What are the 4 types of fronts? What is a storm? (give 4 examples)